Celina, Mike, and Toni each have an essay returned by the teacher with a request for edits. Celina's essay returned because she used the same words over and over again. Mike's is returned because he often used the wrong part of speech when he tried to use more interesting vocabulary. Toni's essay is returned because she used words with definitions that did not match her intended meaning.

In three to five sentences, explain which reference source each student should use to correct their essay, and why.

can you explain a bit more on how to help them please bot

Celina should use a thesaurus to correct her essay. A thesaurus is a reference source that provides synonyms and antonyms for words, which would help Celina find alternative words to use in her essay and avoid repetition. Mike should use a grammar guide or a grammar website to correct his essay. A grammar guide would provide explanations and examples of correct usage of different parts of speech, helping Mike understand how to use more interesting vocabulary correctly. Toni should use a dictionary to correct her essay. A dictionary provides definitions and explanations of words, which would help Toni ensure that she is using words that match her intended meaning accurately.

To correct the issue of using the same words repeatedly, Celina should consult a thesaurus. A thesaurus provides alternative words and synonyms that Celina can use to diversify her vocabulary and avoid repetition.

To address the problem of using the wrong part of speech, Mike should refer to a dictionary. A dictionary provides definitions, usage examples, and correct parts of speech for words. This will help Mike understand the proper way to use more complex vocabulary in his essay.

For Toni, who used words with incorrect meanings, she should use a dictionary or a comprehensive language usage guide. A dictionary will provide the precise definitions and nuances of words, allowing her to choose the appropriate word based on its meaning. A language usage guide will offer explanations and examples of how words should be used in various contexts.

Celina should use a Thesaurus to correct her essay. The Thesaurus will provide her with synonyms and alternatives for the words she used repeatedly, allowing her to vary her vocabulary and make her writing more interesting. Mike should use a Dictionary to correct his essay. The Dictionary will help him determine the correct part of speech for the words he used incorrectly, ensuring that he uses them in the right context. Toni should use a Dictionary and a Thesaurus. The Dictionary will help her understand the correct definitions of the words she used incorrectly, while the Thesaurus will provide her with alternative words that convey her intended meaning more accurately.

Certainly! Here are some additional details on how each reference source can specifically help each student:

1. For Celina: A Thesaurus provides synonyms and related words for a given term. Celina can use a thesaurus to find alternative words or phrases to the ones she used repeatedly. This will help her vary her vocabulary and make her essay more engaging and diverse.

2. For Mike: A Dictionary can help Mike determine the correct part of speech for the words he used incorrectly. It provides definitions, usage examples, and grammatical information. Mike can look up the words he used and check their definitions, which will also include the appropriate part of speech. This will enable him to understand how to use more complex vocabulary correctly.

3. For Toni: Toni should consult both a Dictionary and a Thesaurus. A Dictionary will help her accurately define her intended meaning by providing precise definitions and explanations of words. If she used words with incorrect meanings, consulting a dictionary will allow her to choose words that align with her intended message. Additionally, a Thesaurus can provide Toni with alternative words or synonyms that better convey her intended meaning. She can use the Thesaurus to expand her options and find words that accurately reflect the message she wants to convey in her essay.

These reference sources provide different types of linguistic support, helping each student address their specific writing issues and improve the quality of their essays.