Calina, Mike, and Toni each have an essay returned by the teacher with a request for edits. Celina's essay is returned because she used the same words over and over again. Mike's is returned because he often used the wrong part of speech when he tried to use more interesting vocabulary. Toni's essay is returned because she used words with definitions that did not match her intended meaning.

In three to five sentences, explain which reference source each student should use to correct their essay, and why.

Celina should use a thesaurus to correct her essay because it will provide her with synonyms for the words she used repeatedly. This will help her vary her vocabulary and make her writing more engaging.

Mike should use a grammar guide or a language usage guide to correct his essay because it will provide him with rules and explanations on how to use different parts of speech correctly. This will help him avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

Toni should use a dictionary to correct her essay because it will provide her with the correct definitions of the words she used incorrectly. This will help her to use words that accurately convey her intended meaning.

Celina should use a thesaurus as a reference source to find synonyms for the words she used repeatedly. By using a thesaurus, she can vary her vocabulary and replace repetitive words with more diverse and engaging alternatives.

Mike should use a grammar guide or a book on parts of speech as a reference source to understand the correct usage of words in different contexts. This will help him identify and rectify the instances where he used the wrong part of speech.

Toni should use a dictionary as a reference source to ensure that she is using words with accurate definitions that align with her intended meaning. This will help her choose the right words and avoid any miscommunication or confusion in her essay.

Celina should use a thesaurus to correct her essay. A thesaurus will provide her with a variety of synonyms for the words she has been repetitively using, helping her to improve the clarity and flow of her essay. Mike, who struggles with using the correct part of speech, should use a dictionary. A dictionary will provide him with definitions, usage examples, and part-of-speech information, helping him to select the appropriate word and use it correctly in his essay. Toni, who used words with incorrect definitions, should use a reputable dictionary or an online dictionary. By looking up the definitions, she can ensure she is using words that accurately convey her intended meaning.