evaluation of best practices through engaging in a literature review to document/report on, the influence of affordable and clean energy as an external determinant on the education systems of the selected.


Access to affordable and clean energy has a significant impact on various aspects of society, including education systems. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of sustainable energy sources in supporting education, improving educational outcomes, and ensuring the well-being of students and teachers. This literature review aims to document and report on the influence of affordable and clean energy as an external determinant on education systems, with a focus on developing countries.

Affordable and Clean Energy in Education

Access to affordable and clean energy is essential for schools to operate efficiently and effectively. Reliable energy sources are needed to power classrooms, offices, and other facilities, as well as to support ICT infrastructure and other technology-enabled learning tools. In many developing countries, however, schools face challenges in accessing affordable and clean energy sources, leading to frequent power outages, insufficient lighting, and limited access to technology.

The lack of access to reliable energy sources can have a negative impact on educational outcomes. Studies have shown that students in schools without access to electricity or with unreliable power supply perform worse academically compared to those in schools with reliable energy sources. In addition, the absence of electricity can limit students' access to digital learning resources and hinder the implementation of innovative teaching methods.

Furthermore, the reliance on fossil fuels for energy production contributes to environmental degradation and climate change, which have far-reaching implications for the education sector. Air pollution from the burning of fossil fuels can lead to respiratory diseases among students and teachers, impacting their health and well-being. Climate change-related disasters, such as floods and droughts, can disrupt the education system, causing school closures and displacement of students.

Best Practices for Promoting Affordable and Clean Energy in Education

To address these challenges, it is essential to promote the use of affordable and clean energy sources in education systems. This can be achieved through the adoption of sustainable energy technologies, such as solar panels, wind turbines, and energy-efficient appliances. These technologies can help schools reduce their dependence on fossil fuels, lower energy costs, and improve the reliability of energy supply.

In addition to investing in renewable energy technologies, policymakers and education authorities can implement energy efficiency measures to reduce energy consumption in schools. This can include using energy-saving light bulbs, implementing insulation measures, and promoting energy conservation practices among students and staff. By improving energy efficiency, schools can lower their carbon footprint, cut energy costs, and contribute to environmental sustainability.

Furthermore, partnerships between the government, private sector, and civil society can help promote the use of affordable and clean energy in education. Governments can provide financial incentives, such as subsidies and tax breaks, to encourage schools to adopt renewable energy technologies. The private sector can offer technical expertise and funding for energy projects, while civil society organizations can raise awareness about the importance of sustainable energy in education.


In conclusion, access to affordable and clean energy is a crucial determinant of the quality of education in developing countries. By promoting the use of renewable energy sources and implementing energy efficiency measures, education systems can improve educational outcomes, enhance the well-being of students and teachers, and contribute to environmental sustainability. Policymakers, education authorities, and other stakeholders should work together to prioritize affordable and clean energy in education and ensure that all schools have access to reliable and sustainable energy sources.