Discuss and evaluate best practices through engaging in a literature review in order to document/report on, the influence of technology as an external determinant on the education systems of the countries South-Africa, Kenya and Mauritus


Technology has been influencing education systems globally. It has brought about significant changes in the way education is provided and delivered to learners. Different countries have adopted varied approaches towards integrating technology in their education systems. This literature review focuses on the influence of technology as an external determinant on the education systems of South Africa, Kenya, and Mauritius. The aim is to explore best practices in these countries and evaluate the impact of technology on their education systems.

South Africa:

South Africa has been making concerted efforts towards integrating technology in its education system. The government has initiated several programs aimed at bridging the digital divide. One such program is the National Integrated ICT Policy White Paper, which aims to develop a comprehensive ICT plan for the country's education sector (Department of Education, 2004). The paper highlights significant investments in developing ICT infrastructure in schools, providing adequate training, and integrating ICT in the curriculum across all levels of education.

In addition to this, South Africa has also adopted a policy of implementing Open Education Resources (OER) to support e-learning and distance learning initiatives. The South African Institute for Distance Education (SAIDE) is one such initiative that provides learners with open access to high-quality educational resources (Butcher et al., 2010). With this, learners from disadvantaged backgrounds can access free educational materials and participate in online courses.


Kenya has also greatly benefitted from technology in its education system. The country has made significant investments in ICT infrastructure in schools and introduced free primary education, making it possible for more children to access education and benefit from technology integration. Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) has developed a digital curriculum that incorporates technology and digital learning materials in the classroom environment (Gitau, 2017).

The government has also initiated a mobile learning program, M-Elimu, aimed at providing access to educational content to schools in rural and remote areas that lack adequate infrastructure (Aduda, 2011). With M-Elimu, learners can access digital content through a mobile phone that can be used in classrooms, homes, and other learning environments.


Mauritius has made significant progress in integrating technology in its education system. The government has undertaken several initiatives aimed at improving access to ICT infrastructure in schools and promoting digital literacy among teachers and learners. The country has also adopted a policy of e-learning, making it possible for learners to participate in online courses and access digital content (Lalgee, 2008).

The Open and Distance Learning (ODL) initiative introduced by the government has made it possible for more learners to access education, especially those who are unable to attend traditional schools due to various reasons. The initiative provides learners with online educational resources and access to digital libraries that they can use to learn and improve their knowledge and skills.


These best practices in integrating technology in education systems show that the use of technology in learning provides numerous benefits to learners. The external determinant of technology has played a crucial role in improving access to education, reducing the digital divide, and promoting digital literacy among learners and teachers. South Africa, Kenya, and Mauritius have demonstrated how technology can be integrated into education systems to enhance learning outcomes. However, there is a need for more investment in ICT infrastructure in schools and training to equip teachers with the necessary skills to effectively use technology in the classroom. Further research should explore how technology integration impacts learning outcomes in these countries and its potential to transform education in the future.


Aduda, D. A. (2011). Mobile learning devices and self-regulated learning of primary school pupils in Kenya. PhD thesis, University of Nairobi, Kenya.

Butcher, N., Kanwar, A., & Uvalić-Trumbić, S. (2010). A basic guide to open educational resources. Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver.

Department of Education. (2004). National integrated ICT policy white paper: Draft for public comment. South Africa: Department of Education.

Gitau, S. (2017). Digital content development in Kenya: Issues, progress, and prospects. In M. Traxler & J. Wishart (Eds.), Making mobile learning work: Case studies of practice (Vol. 2, pp. 283–295). Bristol: Futurelab.

Lalgee, K. (2008). Education and ICT in Mauritius: Challenges and prospects. In M. Singh, M. F. M. Maiga, & P. Nicolle (Eds.), Optimization of computer networks and computer-based systems. Berlin: Springer.

To document and evaluate the influence of technology on the education systems of South Africa, Kenya, and Mauritius, it is important to engage in a thorough literature review. This process will help identify best practices and provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Here is a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Define the research objectives
Clearly define the purpose of the literature review, such as understanding the impact of technology on education systems and identifying best practices in South Africa, Kenya, and Mauritius.

Step 2: Identify relevant keywords
Create a list of keywords related to the influence of technology on education systems in the specified countries. For example, you may include terms like "technology integration," "e-learning," "digital education," "educational technology," "ICT in education," and the names of the countries.

Step 3: Search for relevant literature sources
Utilize academic databases, online libraries, and search engines to find scholarly articles, conference papers, reports, and book chapters relevant to the topic. Start with databases like Google Scholar, ERIC, Scopus, and databases specific to education research.

Step 4: Refine the search
Refine your search by using search operators, Boolean operators, and filters. Combine multiple keywords using "AND" and "OR" to ensure you cover various aspects of the topic. Also, consider the publication date, language, and availability of full-text.

Step 5: Evaluate and select sources
Carefully assess the relevance, credibility, and quality of the sources. Look for peer-reviewed articles and publications from reputable educational journals, research institutions, or recognized authorities in the field. Read abstracts or summaries to determine if the sources directly address your research objectives.

Step 6: Organize the literature
Create a system to organize the selected sources. You can use citation management software like Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote to store, organize, and cite the articles.

Step 7: Extract information
Read each selected source thoroughly and extract relevant information related to the influence of technology on education systems in South Africa, Kenya, and Mauritius. Take notes on key findings, methodologies, limitations, and other relevant details.

Step 8: Analyze and compare findings
Analyze the collected information from different sources and compare the findings across the countries. Look for common trends, patterns, challenges, and success stories related to the use of technology in education.

Step 9: Identify best practices
Highlight the best practices identified in each country by synthesizing the information from different sources. Consider factors such as policy frameworks, infrastructure investment, professional development programs, curriculum integration, and learner outcomes.

Step 10: Document/report findings
Based on the analysis and evaluation, document or report your findings. Provide a detailed account of the influence of technology on education systems in South Africa, Kenya, and Mauritius, including an assessment of the identified best practices. Be sure to cite your sources properly.

Remember, a comprehensive literature review requires critical analysis and synthesis of multiple sources. It is essential to consider the limitations and biases in the available literature to ensure credible and balanced findings.

To discuss and evaluate the influence of technology on the education systems of South Africa, Kenya, and Mauritius, you can conduct a literature review. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to approach it:

1. Clearly define your research question: Start by defining the specific aspect of technology's influence on education systems you want to focus on. For example, you could investigate the impact of technology on student learning outcomes, pedagogical practices, or access to education.

2. Identify relevant databases: There are numerous academic databases and resources you can use to find scholarly literature on your topic. Some popular databases for education research include ERIC, JSTOR, Scopus, and Google Scholar.

3. Develop search terms: Based on your research question, create a list of keywords and phrases that reflect the key concepts of your topic, such as "technology in education," "education system," and the names of the countries you are studying (South Africa, Kenya, Mauritius).

4. Search the databases: Start by searching one database at a time using your identified search terms. Refine your search as you go, adding additional keywords or adjusting filters to narrow down the results.

5. Review abstracts and select relevant articles: Go through the search results and read the abstracts of each article to determine its relevance to your research question. Select the articles that provide insights into the influence of technology on the education systems of South Africa, Kenya, and Mauritius.

6. Read and analyze the selected articles: Once you have the relevant articles, carefully read them to extract key information, data, and insights. Take notes, highlight important points, and consider any patterns or common themes that emerge across the literature.

7. Critically evaluate the literature: Assess the quality and credibility of the selected articles by considering factors such as the authors' expertise, the publication's reputation, the methodology used, and the evidence presented. This evaluation will help ensure the validity of your literature review.

8. Organize and synthesize findings: Create a summary of the key findings from each article, highlighting similarities, differences, and any interesting observations. Identify the main themes and theories that emerge from the literature, considering the influence of technology on the education systems of the three countries.

9. Analyze and critically discuss the findings: Analyze the synthesized findings and compare and contrast the influence of technology on the education systems of South Africa, Kenya, and Mauritius. Identify strengths and weaknesses, potential challenges, and gaps in the literature. Discuss the implications of these findings in terms of best practices and make recommendations for future research or policy-making.

10. Write your literature review: Structure your literature review by clearly stating your research question and objectives at the beginning. Organize the sections based on themes or key factors that emerged from your analysis. Provide a cohesive discussion of the findings, critically evaluating and synthesizing the evidence from the selected articles.

Remember, a literature review is a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the existing knowledge and research. By following these steps, you should be able to conduct a thorough literature review to document and report on the influence of technology as an external determinant on the education systems of South Africa, Kenya, and Mauritius.