Discuss and evaluate best practices through engaging in a literature review in order to document/ report on the influence of technology as an external determinant on the education system of the south africa and the two developing countries.


Technology is transforming the way we live, work and communicate with each other. In the field of education, technology has had a profound impact on the learning process, making knowledge more accessible and interactive. Technology has made teaching and learning more efficient, effective and engaging. The purpose of this report is to explore the influence of technology as an external determinant on the education system of South Africa and two developing countries. This will be done through a literature review of best practices and evaluating their effectiveness.

Overview of South Africa and two developing countries:

South Africa is a country located in the southern part of Africa. The education system in South Africa is divided into three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary. The education system is faced with many challenges such as poverty, inequality, low education standards, lack of resources and limited access to technology.

Country A is a developing country located in Southeast Asia. The education system in this country is also faced with challenges such as poverty, lack of resources and limited access to technology. The government has implemented various policies to improve the quality of education, but they have not been fully successful.

Country B is a developing country located in the Middle East. The education system in this country is also facing challenges such as poverty and limited access to technology. The government has implemented policies to improve the quality of education, but progress has been slow.

Best practices:

The following best practices have been identified for integrating technology into education systems:

1. Teacher training:

Effective teacher training is critical for the successful integration of technology into the education system. Teachers need to be trained on how to use technology to deliver lessons, personalize learning, monitor student progress, and collaborate with other teachers.

2. Access to technology:

Students need access to technology in order to use it for learning. This can be achieved through providing schools with computers, tablets, and internet access. Additionally, mobile devices can be used to provide access to educational resources, even in remote areas.

3. Digital content:

The availability of digital content is critical for success, as it can make learning more relevant and engaging. Digital content can take the form of e-books, videos, simulations, and educational games.

4. Personalized learning:

Technology can be used to personalize learning for students. This can be achieved through the use of adaptive learning software, which can adjust learning activities based on a student’s ability.

Evaluation of best practices:

The effectiveness of these best practices is dependent on the specific context of each country. With regards to South Africa, the government has implemented policies to increase access to technology, such as the deployment of tablets to schools. However, there are still challenges with regards to teacher training and digital content.

In Country A, access to technology remains limited, and teacher training needs to be improved. The government has implemented policies to improve access to technology, but progress has been slow. More efforts are needed to scale up these initiatives.

Country B faces similar challenges with regards to access to technology, but progress has been made with regards to teacher training. The government has invested in training teachers on how to use technology for teaching and learning.


In conclusion, the integration of technology into education systems has the potential to revolutionize teaching and learning. However, the effectiveness of these initiatives is dependent on various external determinants, such as access to technology, teacher training, and digital content. In order to maximize the benefits of technology, it is important to implement best practices that are tailored to the specific context of each country.

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Well, well, well, it seems like you're diving into the fascinating world of technology's influence on education systems! Buckle up, my friend, because I'm about to take you on a humorous literature review adventure.

First things first, conducting a literature review can be a bit like doing a stand-up routine - you need to engage your audience (or readers) with some captivating and relevant content. Start by searching for high-quality academic articles, research papers, and even some hilarious blog posts (5 Myths About Using Smartphones in Classrooms and Why Dinosaurs Love iPads could be potential gems!).

Now, let's talk about those best practices. When evaluating the influence of technology on education, consider looking at multiple dimensions like access to technology, infrastructure, teacher training, and student engagement. It's like evaluating the circus acts - you don't want only one clown juggling, you want the whole troupe performing in sync!

In South Africa and the two developing countries you're exploring, keep an eye out for any local initiatives or programs that aim to integrate technology into the education system. Maybe South Africa has a "Smart School" initiative or one of the developing countries has a "Tablets for Every Student" project. These efforts will bring flavor to your literature review!

To evaluate the impact of technology on education systems, you'll need to look at both quantitative and qualitative data. Don't be afraid to get creative with your analysis. For instance, you could make charts comparing the number of funny memes shared by students before and after the introduction of technology in the classroom. Laughter is always the best metric!

Lastly, remember to highlight any challenges or limitations in the use of technology in education. Is there a risk of students becoming too reliant on rickety Wi-Fi connections? Are there concerns about technology exacerbating the digital divide? It's important to tackle these issues like a clown on a unicycle - with balance and a touch of humor!

So, my friend, go forth and dive into that literature review with confidence and laughter! And remember, when in doubt, always ask yourself, "What would a clown do?"

To discuss and evaluate best practices regarding the influence of technology as an external determinant on the education system in South Africa and two developing countries, you can start by conducting a literature review. Here's how you can approach it:

1. Identify Relevant Databases: Begin by identifying reputable databases that contain educational research articles. Examples include ERIC, JSTOR, Google Scholar, and Scopus. These databases will allow you to access a wide range of academic literature.

2. Select Keywords: Determine the keywords that best match your topic. For example, you could use search terms such as "technology in education," "external determinants," "South Africa education system," and "developing countries education."

3. Conduct a Preliminary Search: Start your literature review by conducting a preliminary search. Input your keywords into the chosen databases and refine your search based on the relevance and extent of the results. This will help you identify key articles and themes related to your topic.

4. Review the Literature: Begin reviewing the selected articles by reading the abstracts, introductions, and conclusions. Pay attention to the methodologies used, findings, and any recommendations or best practices mentioned. Take notes and organize the articles based on the different themes or subtopics that emerge.

5. Analyze and Synthesize: Analyze the information gathered from the articles. Identify similarities, differences, and any gaps or limitations in the literature. Look for recurring themes and trends related to the influence of technology on education systems in South Africa and developing countries.

6. Evaluate Best Practices: Make a list of the best practices mentioned in the literature. Consider the factors that contribute to their success, such as infrastructure, teacher training, policy frameworks, and digital inclusion initiatives. Evaluate the potential applicability of these practices to the context of South Africa and the other developing countries under investigation.

7. Document and Report: Create a comprehensive report summarizing your findings. Include an introduction, methodology section describing your literature review process, main findings, analysis, evaluation of best practices, and any recommendations for future research or implementation.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you use by considering their credibility, relevance, and potential biases. Additionally, consider consulting experts or stakeholders in the field to gather additional insights and perspectives.