Discuss and evaluate best practices through engaging in a literature review in order to document/report on, the influence of technology as an external determinant on the education systems of the countries, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana


Technology has become a leading factor in shaping the education systems of various countries, including South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana. It has over time transformed both the teaching and learning experiences, leading to the emergence of new trends that have transformed traditional approaches. This paper will discuss and evaluate best practices through a literature review that will document/report on, the influence of technology as an external determinant on the education systems of South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana.

Technological Influences on Education Systems in South Africa
South Africa has been able to integrate technology in its education systems, leading to increased access to education. According to Chigona and Chigona (2018), the integration of technology in South African education has led to the emergence of flexible learning that offers opportunities for distance learning. The government's investment in broadband internet has enabled virtual learning environments that have extended quality education to learners who are far from schools.

Over the years, South Africa has introduced various technologies that have transformed the education system, such as multimedia learning, e-books, and online assessments. The country has relied on broadband and wireless technologies, which have integrated with various educational management systems to introduce smarter and flexible processes to enhance student learning (Saunders & Bester, 2018).

It is important to note that technology has assisted South African educators in developing teaching skills that enable students to become active learners, leading to higher order thinking. As a result, students have the opportunity to interact with educational materials that support their learning needs, allowing them to perform better academically (Sibiya & Chigona, 2018).

Technological Influences on Education Systems in Zimbabwe
In Zimbabwe, technology has greatly influenced the education system through the introduction of new teaching and learning methods. Recently, the government introduced a digital policy that aims to transform education through technology. Technologies such as video conferencing, online libraries, and multimedia systems have transformed the teaching and learning of science and technical subjects in Zimbabwe (Chamunoda, Chieza, & Shoniwa, 2017).

With the introduction of technology, Zimbabwean educators have shifted from the traditional lecture-based teaching to experiential and collaborative learning. The use of technology has resulted in a student-centered approach that allows learners to work together in groups, leading to collaborative learning and the exchange of ideas (Chamunoda et al., 2017).

However, Zimbabwe's adoption of technology in education has been slow due to inadequate infrastructure and the lack of training for teachers and students on the use of technology (Jeypo & Halala, 2019). The government has been working to overcome this challenge by investing in infrastructure and training teachers to promote digital literacy.

Technological Influences on Education Systems in Botswana
In Botswana, technology has transformed the education system by making education accessible to remote areas. As a result, technology has helped to bridge the gap in education between rural and urban areas. The government's investment in technology has also facilitated the provision of online education programs, which has significantly reduced the cost of education (Kitsinga, 2020).

Furthermore, innovative use of technology like mobile technologies and social media has positively impacted education in Botswana. Mobile technologies have changed the way students and educators access educational materials, with the ability to communicate and share ideas and educational content from a mobile device, making learning more personalized (Kitsinga, 2020).

However, there have been challenges with the implementation of technology in Botswana's education system, due to the lack of infrastructure, limited technical know-how, and inadequate funding. Therefore, the effective integration of technology in Botswana's education system requires adequate support from both the government and other stakeholders (Mbulawa & Moutlana, 2018).

Technology continues to transform education systems in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana through tools that promote digital literacy, personalized learning, and flexible education. While these countries have faced challenges such as inadequate infrastructure and teacher professional development, there are still many opportunities for growth in the use of technology in education. Continued investment and cooperation will be vital to ensure that these education systems are well equipped to support learners through the changing technological landscape.


Chamunoda, E., Chieza, R., & Shoniwa, P. (2017). The influence of technology on education delivery: a literature review. Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, 8(12), 585-593.

Chigona, W., & Chigona, A. (2018). Towards a framework for integrating mobile technologies in South African higher education. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 17(1), 41-60.

Jeypo, T., & Halala, M. (2019). The integration of technology in Zimbabwean schools: Challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies, 6(8), 40-47.

Kitsinga, K. B. (2020). The role of technology in improving access to education in Botswana. Global Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 6(1), 75-79.

Mbulawa, C., & Moutlana, T. M. (2018). Factors influencing the effective use of technology in Botswana's education system. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 6(12), 2698-2705.

Saunders, L., & Bester, A. (2018). Leveraging technology to advance South African education. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 15(1), 19.

Sibiya, G., & Chigona, A. (2018). An analysis of the use of mobile technologies for teaching and learning in South African higher education. The Journal of Technology in Student Affairs, 10(1).

Step 1: Perform a literature review

To document and report on the influence of technology as an external determinant on the education systems of South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana, it is important to conduct a thorough literature review. This step is crucial for gathering relevant information from academic articles, journals, research papers, and reports. Some key databases to search for literature include Google Scholar, JSTOR, and ERIC.

Step 2: Analyze the education systems of South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana

Understand the current state of education systems in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana. Gather information on factors such as literacy rates, access to education, educational policies, curriculum frameworks, and socio-economic indicators. This will provide a baseline understanding of the context within which technology is introduced into the education systems of these countries.

Step 3: Identify the external determinants of education systems

Identify the external determinants of education systems, focusing specifically on technology-related factors. These determinants may include access to digital devices, internet connectivity, infrastructure for ICT integration, availability of educational software and platforms, and teacher training programs related to technology integration in the classroom.

Step 4: Evaluate the influence of technology on education systems

Review and evaluate the existing literature to understand the influence of technology on education systems in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana. Consider factors such as student engagement, learning outcomes, teacher effectiveness, access to educational resources, and equity in educational opportunities. Examine the positive and negative impacts of technology integration and identify any gaps in the literature.

Step 5: Identify best practices

Based on the literature review, identify best practices in implementing and integrating technology in education systems. Look for successful initiatives or programs that have been effective in enhancing teaching and learning outcomes. These best practices may include policies for technology provision, teacher training models, digital literacy programs, or strategies for addressing issues of access and equity.

Step 6: Compare findings across countries

Compare the findings across South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana to identify similarities and differences in the influence of technology on their education systems. Consider various factors such as infrastructure, government support, cultural context, and economic conditions, which may impact the adoption and use of technology in education.

Step 7: Assess limitations and gaps in the literature

Acknowledge any limitations or gaps identified in the existing literature. Reflect on the methodologies used in the studies, the quality of data collected, and the adequacy of the research samples. Identify areas that require further research and exploration to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the influence of technology as an external determinant.

Step 8: Draw conclusions and make recommendations

Based on the findings of the literature review and analysis, draw conclusions about the influence of technology on the education systems of South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana. Make recommendations for policymakers, educators, and other stakeholders to enhance technology integration in education, address existing challenges, and promote equitable access to technology-enhanced learning opportunities.

Step 9: Compile the research report

Organize the findings from the literature review, analysis, and conclusions into a research report. Structure the report with an introduction, literature review, methodology, data analysis, results, discussion, conclusions, and recommendations. Ensure that the report follows the appropriate academic writing conventions, including citations and references.

To discuss and evaluate best practices regarding the influence of technology on the education systems of South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana, you would need to conduct a literature review. Here is an explanation of how to go about it:

1. Identify keywords and search terms: Begin by identifying keywords and search terms related to technology, education systems, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana. For example, you can use terms like "technology in education," "digital learning," "education systems in South Africa," "education in Zimbabwe," and so on.

2. Select appropriate databases: Use scholarly databases like Google Scholar, JSTOR, or Education Research Complete to search for relevant articles, books, reports, and research papers. These databases provide access to a wide range of academic literature.

3. Refine search results: Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to refine your search results. Combine search terms using AND to find literature that includes all the keywords. For example, "technology AND education systems AND South Africa."

4. Screen and select relevant sources: Go through the search results and evaluate the titles and abstracts to identify articles that are relevant to your research topic. Read the full-text versions of the selected sources to determine their suitability for your study.

5. Organize your findings: Create a system or spreadsheet to manage the literature you have identified. Include key details such as author, title, publication date, and a brief summary of each source.

6. Analyze and evaluate the literature: Read and critically analyze the selected literature. Look for themes, trends, and evidence of the influence of technology on the education systems of South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana. Assess the quality and credibility of each source by considering factors such as the author's credentials, publication venue, and methodology used.

7. Synthesize the information: Summarize and synthesize the key findings from the literature review. Identify any best practices or common trends that you observe across the selected sources. Determine the extent of the influence of technology on the education systems of the three countries.

8. Evaluate the gaps: Identify any gaps or limitations in the literature that need further research. Consider areas where more research is required and suggest potential avenues for future investigations.

9. Document and report your findings: Write a comprehensive report documenting your literature review process, methodology, key findings, and evaluation of best practices. Draw balanced conclusions and provide recommendations based on the evidence from the reviewed literature.

Remember, the quality of your literature review depends on the breadth and depth of your research. It is crucial to include a variety of sources, such as academic articles, reports, policy documents, and case studies, to ensure a comprehensive analysis of the topic.