Explain the similarities and differences between a milanesa and a milanesa napolitana. Write your answer in English. (4 points)


1. Both milanesa and milanesa napolitana are dishes made with breaded and fried meat, typically beef.
2. Both dishes are popular in Argentina and other South American countries.

1. Milanesa napolitana is a variation of milanesa that includes additional toppings such as tomato sauce, ham, and melted cheese.
2. The name "milanesa napolitana" is derived from the Italian dish "veal Milanese," which is a breaded and fried veal cutlet. This name distinguishes it from traditional milanesa, which does not have the same toppings.

Overall, the main difference between a milanesa and a milanesa napolitana lies in the additional toppings and flavors added to the dish, while the similarity lies in the breaded and fried meat base.

Summarize this please

Both milanesa and milanesa napolitana are breaded and fried meat dishes popular in South America, especially Argentina. The main difference is that milanesa napolitana includes additional toppings such as tomato sauce, ham, and melted cheese, while traditional milanesa does not have these toppings. The name "milanesa napolitana" distinguishes it from the Italian dish "veal Milanese," which is another breaded and fried meat dish.