explain why the farmers of the Constitution chose federalism as the form of government to establish the relationship between the states and the national government. What advantage did it have over a unitary or confederate system

(make it have less than 100 words)
make this sound like a 5th grader: The farmers of the Constitution chose federalism as it balanced power between the states and national government. Federalism allowed the central government to have adequate authority to address national concerns, while granting states the ability to govern local matters. This system prevented excessive power concentration, avoiding the pitfalls of both unitary and confederate systems. A unitary system centralizes power entirely, risking authoritarian rule, while a confederate system disperses power too much, risking instability. Federalism struck a balance by promoting cooperation between levels of government, ensuring a stronger and more stable nation.

The farmers of the Constitution decided on federalism because it was the best way to share power between the states and the national government. Federalism helped the central government handle important national issues, and at the same time, it allowed the states to take care of their own local matters. This way, no one level of government had too much power. If we had a system where only the central government had power, it could become too bossy and not fair. On the other hand, if every state had all the power, it could lead to chaos and disagreements. Federalism found the right balance by making sure different levels of government worked together and made our nation stronger and more stable.