Which of the following is not a function of the articles of the Constitution?

They explain the main 3 branches of government.
They enforce the separation of powers between the branches of government.
They explain how to amend the constitution.
They summarize the overall goal of the constitution.

The option that is not a function of the articles of the Constitution is: They summarize the overall goal of the constitution.

It’s wrong

I apologize for the incorrect response. The correct answer is: They summarize the overall goal of the constitution. The articles of the Constitution primarily establish the basic structure and powers of the government, explain the separation of powers, outline the responsibilities of each branch of government, and provide a framework for how the Constitution can be amended. The overall goal and principles of the Constitution are typically outlined in the Preamble.

The correct answer is: They summarize the overall goal of the constitution.

Explanation: The articles of the Constitution primarily serve to establish the framework and structure of the government, outline the powers and responsibilities of each branch, and provide a process for amendment. They do not explicitly summarize the overall goal of the Constitution.

To determine which of the options is not a function of the articles of the Constitution, we can analyze each option separately and identify its role in the Constitution.

1. They explain the main three branches of government: This statement is true. The articles of the Constitution indeed explain the main three branches of the government, namely the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. These articles outline the powers, duties, and limitations of each branch.

2. They enforce the separation of powers between the branches of government: This statement is also true. The articles of the Constitution establish and enforce the separation of powers between the three branches of government. This separation ensures that no one branch becomes too powerful and prevents any individual or group from accumulating excessive control.

3. They explain how to amend the Constitution: This statement is true. The Constitution's articles include provisions on how to amend the Constitution. The process of amendment is clearly stated in Article V of the Constitution and outlines the necessary steps for proposing and ratifying amendments.

4. They summarize the overall goal of the Constitution: This statement is not a function of the articles of the Constitution. The articles primarily focus on the structure of the government, the allocation of powers, and the organization of the branches. While the Preamble of the Constitution summarizes the goals and purposes, the articles themselves do not explicitly provide a summary of the overall goal.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
- They summarize the overall goal of the Constitution.