What stage in the consumer decision-making process involves the customer deciding what they will buy and where? (1 point) Responses evaluation evaluation selection stage selection stage evaluating alternatives evaluating alternatives search process

The stage in the consumer decision-making process that involves the customer deciding what they will buy and where is the selection stage.

The stage in the consumer decision-making process that involves the customer deciding what they will buy and where is the selection stage.

The stage in the consumer decision-making process that involves the customer deciding what they will buy and where is the selection stage.

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the consumer decision-making process. Here are the steps involved in this process:

1. Problem recognition: The consumer realizes a need or problem that requires a solution.
2. Information search: The consumer gathers information about different options available to address their need or problem.
3. Evaluation of alternatives: The consumer assesses the various options they have gathered information about.
4. Purchase decision: The consumer makes a decision on what to purchase and where to buy it.
5. Post-purchase evaluation: After buying the product or service, the consumer assesses whether their decision was satisfactory or not.

In the selection stage, the consumer makes the final decision regarding which product or service to purchase and from which specific source or retailer. This stage follows the evaluation of alternatives, where the consumer weighs the pros and cons of different options.