Jannelle is moving through the steps of the consumer decision-making process. She has identified the problem which led her to look for a new product and she is moving on to step two:

A. evaluation
B. selection stage
C. evaluating alternatives
D. search process

D. search process

is this right

Yes, that is correct. Step two of the consumer decision-making process is the search process, where the consumer actively searches for information and gathers alternatives to solve their problem.

Step two of the consumer decision-making process is the evaluation stage. In this stage, Jannelle will assess and compare the different options available to her in order to make a decision. She will consider the features, benefits, and drawbacks of each alternative and evaluate how well they meet her needs and preferences.

To navigate through this stage effectively, Jannelle can follow these steps:

1. Research and gather information: Jannelle should gather information about the available alternatives. This can be done through various sources such as online reviews, product comparisons, talking to friends or experts, or visiting stores.

2. Identify evaluation criteria: Jannelle should determine the specific criteria that are important to her in making a decision. These criteria can include price, quality, brand reputation, functionality, durability, warranty, and any other factors that matter to her.

3. Evaluate alternatives: Jannelle should compare each alternative against her identified criteria. She can create a list or use a decision-making tool, such as a pros and cons chart, to visually compare the options. Jannelle should give weight to each criterion based on its importance to her.

4. Consider trade-offs: Jannelle may need to make trade-offs between different criteria. For instance, she may have to choose between a higher-priced option with better quality or a lower-priced option with fewer features. It is important for Jannelle to prioritize and decide which criteria she is willing to compromise on.

5. Make a decision: After evaluating the alternatives and considering the trade-offs, Jannelle can now select the best option that aligns with her needs, budget, and preferences. She should be confident in her decision and feel that it meets her expectations.

Remember, the evaluation stage is crucial to ensure Jannelle makes an informed decision and selects the most suitable product for her specific needs.