__________ is the first step in the decision-making process.

Question 1 options:

Making a plan of action

Considering the consequences

Identifying the problem

Listing alternative choices

Identifying the problem

Setting a(n) Blank Space__________ goal is a key factor in determining whether or not your goal is met at the end of the decision-making process.

Question 3 options:






The first thing you should do when evaluating a solution is Blank Space__________.

Question 4 options:

recognize and thank others that were involved in your project

determine if the goal was met

share and publicize your efforts with others

list ways you could improve your project for the future

determine if the goal was met

__________ is the study of conduct and moral judgment.

Question 5 options:

Moral compass





Bill and his family are planning a road trip. Together, they draw out a map of the route they will take and label all the cities they will visit. They also make a timeline and a budget for their trip. This is the Blank Space__________ portion of the Planning Process.

Question 7 options:

Form a Plan


Follow Up

Identify Concerns

Form a Plan

Jasmine has just finished planting a community garden. She is having a grand opening party for the community members and writing thank you letters to people that gave donations for her to buy supplies. This describes which stage of the Planning Process?

Question 8 options:


Follow Up

Set A Goal

Form a Plan