What stage in the consumer decision-making process involves the customer deciding what they will buy and where?

(1 point)



selection stage

selection stage

evaluating alternatives

evaluating alternatives

search process

The correct answer is "selection stage".

The stage in the consumer decision-making process that involves the customer deciding what they will buy and where is called the "selection stage". To arrive at this stage, the customer goes through a series of steps.

The first step is the "search process", during which the customer looks for information about different options available in the market. This could involve researching online, asking friends and family, or looking at advertisements.

Once the customer has gathered enough information, they move on to the next step, which is "evaluating alternatives". In this step, the customer compares and analyzes the different options to determine which one meets their needs and preferences the best.

After evaluating the alternatives, the customer reaches the "selection stage". This is where they decide which specific product or service they will buy and from which seller or retailer. The decision may be based on factors such as price, quality, brand reputation, convenience, or personal preferences.

So, to answer your question, the stage in the consumer decision-making process that involves the customer deciding what they will buy and where is the "selection stage".

The stage in the consumer decision-making process that involves the customer deciding what they will buy and where is the selection stage.