What type of propaganda is the following poster using?

A. name-calling
B. bandwagon
C. plain folks
D. testimonial

A. name-calling

Without seeing the poster or any specific details, it is difficult to determine the exact type of propaganda being used. However, I can briefly describe each option to help you identify it:

A. Name-calling: This type of propaganda involves using negative or derogatory language to make the target person or group appear inferior or undesirable.

B. Bandwagon: This technique attempts to persuade individuals to adopt a certain belief or behavior by suggesting that everyone else is doing it, so they should too.

C. Plain folks: This strategy aims to make an individual or group appear relatable and ordinary, emphasizing their similarities with the target audience in order to gain trust and support.

D. Testimonial: This form of propaganda involves using endorsement or support from a celebrity or well-known figure to persuade others towards a particular viewpoint or product.

Please provide more information or description of the poster for a more accurate identification.

To determine the type of propaganda being used in the given poster, we would need to analyze its content and message.

Name-calling: This type of propaganda involves using derogatory language or labels to attack a person, group, or idea. It aims to create a negative perception by associating something with a negative connotation or stereotype.

Bandwagon: Bandwagon propaganda suggests that one should follow or support something simply because it is popular or a majority does so. It appeals to the human desire to fit in and not be left out.

Plain folks: Plain folks propaganda attempts to portray a person or group as relatable and down-to-earth, appealing to the everyday concerns and experiences of the average person.

Testimonial: Testimonial propaganda utilizes endorsements or testimonials from famous or influential individuals to persuade others. These endorsements are meant to transfer the credibility and positive perception of the endorser to the product, person, or idea being promoted.

Without the actual content or visual representation of the poster, it is challenging to determine the specific type of propaganda being used. To analyze the poster accurately, it would be helpful to examine the image, text, symbols, or any other elements presented.