When an advertiser hires a celebrity to help sell a product by endorsing it, which propaganda technique is being used?(1 point)







The propaganda technique being used when an advertiser hires a celebrity to help sell a product by endorsing it is testimonial.

The propaganda technique being used when an advertiser hires a celebrity to endorse a product is called "testimonial."

To determine this, we can understand the various propaganda techniques and then analyze the situation.

Propaganda techniques are used to manipulate or influence people's opinions, emotions, and behaviors. Here are the different techniques often employed:

1. Bandwagon: This technique tries to convince people to do or buy something by suggesting that it's popular or the "trendy" thing to do. It appeals to the desire to be part of a group.

2. Testimonial: This technique involves using a well-known or respected person, such as a celebrity or expert, to endorse a product or idea. The aim is to leverage the trust and admiration people have for that person to persuade them to buy the product or support the idea.

3. Stereotyping: This technique plays on people's preconceived notions about a certain group, often by presenting exaggerated or oversimplified characteristics. It seeks to create biases or prejudices that can be used to manipulate opinions.

4. Strawman: This technique involves misrepresenting or exaggerating an opponent's argument or position and then attacking that distorted version. It aims to make the opponent's viewpoint appear weak or easily refutable.

In the given scenario, an advertiser hiring a celebrity to endorse a product falls under the "testimonial" technique. By using the celebrity's reputation and influence, the advertiser hopes to convince people that the product is worth buying based on the celebrity's endorsement.