When an advertiser hires a celebrity to help sell a product by endorsing it, which propaganda technique is being used?(1 point)






Which of the following is an example of a primary source?(1 point)

an eyewitness interview
an eyewitness interview

a history textbook
a history textbook

a biography of a historical figure
a biography of a historical figure

an encyclopedia article

Which of the following is the part of the ratification process in the U.S. Constitution that has never been used?(1 point)

Congress calls for a national constitutional convention
Congress calls for a national constitutional convention

three-fourths of state conventions ratify an amendment
three-fourths of state conventions ratify an amendment

Congress votes by two-thirds majority vote to propose an amendment
Congress votes by two-thirds majority vote to propose an amendment

three-fourths of state legislatures ratify an amendment

What is the purpose of the first step of the amendment process?(1 point)

To allow the president to approve the amendment
To allow the president to approve the amendment

To allow the people to vote on the amendment
To allow the people to vote on the amendment

To propose an amendment
To propose an amendment

To ratify the amendment

The Code of Hammurabi (1772 BC) includes laws focusing on contracts. What type of U.S. law is based on the Code of Hammurabi?(1 point)





Which type of law is used to help solve disputes between people or organizations?(1 point)





The US Supreme Court deals with which types of law?(1 point)





Why was Marbury v Madison an important Supreme Court case?(1 point)

It created the Supreme Court
It created the Supreme Court

It created Congressional oversight
It created Congressional oversight

It created the idea of judicial review
It created the idea of judicial review

It created executive powers

It created the idea of judicial review.

It created the idea of judicial review.

When an advertiser hires a celebrity to help sell a product by endorsing it, the propaganda technique being used is testimonial. This technique involves using a well-known or respected person to promote a product or idea. To identify this technique, you can look for signs of celebrity endorsement in advertisements or analyze the persuasive tactics used in the ad.

An example of a primary source is an eyewitness interview. Primary sources are original materials or firsthand accounts of events or experiences. They provide direct evidence or information about a particular topic or event. To determine if something is a primary source, you can examine the source itself for indications of firsthand knowledge or original information.

The part of the ratification process in the U.S. Constitution that has never been used is when Congress calls for a national constitutional convention. This process allows for a convention to be called to propose amendments to the Constitution. While this method has been discussed at times, it has never been utilized to actually amend the Constitution. To identify this answer, you can review the steps of the ratification process and the provisions outlined in the Constitution.

The purpose of the first step of the amendment process is to propose an amendment. This step involves the introduction of a proposed amendment by a member of Congress. The purpose is to put forward a potential change to the Constitution for consideration and debate. To determine this answer, you can examine the steps involved in the amendment process and consider the role of proposing amendments.

The type of U.S. law that is based on the Code of Hammurabi is civil law. Civil law focuses on resolving disputes between individuals or organizations and typically deals with issues such as contracts, property rights, and personal injury. By comparing the content of the Code of Hammurabi to the purposes and principles of civil law, you can identify the connection between the two.

Civil law is the type of law used to help solve disputes between people or organizations. It deals with non-criminal matters, such as contract disputes, property disputes, and family law issues. By understanding the different branches and areas of law, you can identify civil law as the category that focuses on dispute resolution between parties.

The US Supreme Court deals with constitutional law. Constitutional law is the branch of law that deals with the interpretation and application of the Constitution. The Supreme Court is responsible for reviewing and ruling on cases that involve constitutional issues, ensuring that laws and actions adhere to the principles and provisions of the Constitution. By understanding the jurisdiction and role of the Supreme Court, you can identify constitutional law as the type of law it deals with.

Marbury v Madison was an important Supreme Court case because it created the idea of judicial review. Judicial review is the ability of the Supreme Court to review and determine the constitutionality of laws or government actions. This case established the power of the Supreme Court to declare laws or actions unconstitutional if they violate the Constitution, thereby establishing the principle of checks and balances and the Court's role in interpreting the Constitution. By studying the impact and significance of Marbury v Madison, you can identify the creation of judicial review as its important contribution.