When an advertiser hires a celebrity to help sell a product by endorsing it which propaganda technique is being used is it testimonial stereotyping, strawman or bandwagon?

The propaganda technique being used when an advertiser hires a celebrity to help sell a product by endorsing it is testimonial.

When an advertiser hires a celebrity to help sell a product by endorsing it, the propaganda technique being used is testimonial.

When an advertiser hires a celebrity to help sell a product by endorsing it, the propaganda technique being used is called testimonial.

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the different propaganda techniques mentioned and explain their meanings:

1. Testimonial: This technique involves using a well-known or popular person, such as a celebrity, to promote a product or service. The idea behind testimonial is that people may be more inclined to trust the endorsement of someone they admire or respect, which can influence their purchasing decisions.

2. Stereotyping: Stereotyping is a technique that involves portraying people or groups in an oversimplified way, often relying on generalizations or assumptions. It seeks to simplify complex ideas or individuals by assigning characteristic features or traits based on preconceived notions. This technique is not directly applicable to the scenario you mentioned because it does not involve using a celebrity to endorse a product.

3. Strawman: Strawman is a technique commonly used in debates or discussions. It involves misrepresenting or distorting an opponent's argument to make it easier to refute. It does not apply in the context of celebrity endorsements.

4. Bandwagon: The bandwagon technique aims to persuade people to adopt a particular belief or behavior by appealing to their desire to conform to social norms. It implies that a particular choice or action is popular or widely accepted, and therefore, individuals should join the "bandwagon." While celebrity endorsements can contribute to a sense of popularity, this technique does not fully encapsulate the situation described.

Hence, the correct propaganda technique being used when an advertiser hires a celebrity to help sell a product by endorsing it is testimonial.