What type of propaganda is the following poster using the poster says we can do it is it a testimonial, glittering generalities, name-calling, a card stacking

Based on the information provided, the type of propaganda being used in the given poster is "glittering generalities." This is indicated by the phrase "we can do it," which is a general and positive statement intended to evoke patriotic feelings and a sense of unity or empowerment.

Based on the information provided, the poster saying "We can do it," does not fit into any of the listed propaganda techniques. The phrase "We can do it" does not involve any specific testimonial, glittering generalities, name-calling, or card stacking. It appears to be a simple expression of motivational or inspirational messaging rather than a targeted propaganda technique.

To determine the type of propaganda used in a poster, it's important to understand the different techniques commonly employed. Let's break down the four techniques you mentioned and see which one best matches the given poster:

1. Testimonial: This technique involves using endorsements or statements from famous individuals to persuade others. It aims to convince people by associating the product or idea with a recognizable figure and their credibility.

2. Glittering Generalities: This technique uses positive, vague, and broad statements to evoke emotions and create a favorable impression without providing specific evidence or information.

3. Name-calling: Name-calling involves using negative language or labels about a person or idea to create a negative impression.

4. Card Stacking: This technique selectively presents information, emphasizing positive aspects while suppressing negative aspects. It often includes cherry-picked facts and evidence to present a one-sided argument.

Based on the given phrase "We can do it," it seems to align most closely with the Glittering Generalities technique. The poster aims to evoke a positive emotional response without supplying specific information or evidence. The phrase is broad and inspires optimism but lacks concrete details or supporting evidence.

Remember that analyzing propaganda techniques requires careful consideration of the context, visuals, and additional text used in the poster.