Use the poster to answer the question.

What seeming contradiction is apparent in this poster?

The poster targets Native Americans, trying to get them to buy land that they technically already owned.

The poster targets white settlers but encourages them to move onto land reserved for Native Americans.

The poster targets those wishing to escape the city but attempts to encourage the founding of new cities.

The poster targets those who want to make money out west without explaining the costs of mining tools.

A. The poster targets Native Americans, trying to get them to buy land that they technically already owned.

It is not A

B. The poster targets white settlers but encourages them to move onto land reserved for Native Americans.

To answer this question, we need to carefully analyze the content of the poster and identify any contradictions or apparent inconsistencies. Here's how you can analyze the poster to find the answer:

1. Examine the text: Read the text on the poster and look for any conflicting messages or ideas. Pay attention to any paradoxical or contradictory statements.

2. Study the visuals: Observe the images and illustrations on the poster. Look for any elements that might convey conflicting information or ideas.

3. Consider the context: Consider the historical and cultural context of the poster. Understanding the background information can help identify any contradictions or paradoxes present.

Based on the options provided, let's analyze each one by examining the potential contradiction apparent in the poster:

A. The poster targets Native Americans, trying to get them to buy land that they technically already owned.
- This option suggests a contradiction where Native Americans are being targeted to purchase land that was originally theirs. However, without seeing the actual content of the poster, it is difficult to determine if this contradiction is apparent.

B. The poster targets white settlers but encourages them to move onto land reserved for Native Americans.
- This option implies a contradiction where white settlers are being encouraged to settle on land that was specifically reserved for Native Americans. This apparent contradiction suggests a clash between reservation policies and the encouragement of settlement.

C. The poster targets those wishing to escape the city but attempts to encourage the founding of new cities.
- This option proposes a contradiction where the poster targets people seeking to leave the city, yet it promotes the establishment of new cities. This contradiction lies in the opposing messages of escape and urban development.

D. The poster targets those who want to make money out west without explaining the costs of mining tools.
- This option suggests a contradiction where the poster targets individuals seeking financial gain in the West but fails to mention or explain the expenses and requirements for mining tools. This apparent contradiction lies in the omission of crucial information necessary for potential miners.

To determine the correct answer, carefully analyze the text, visuals, and context presented in the poster. Consider the apparent contradictions or inconsistencies within each option and choose the one that aligns with the content of the poster.