When an advertiser who light hires a celebrity to help sell a product by endorsing it which propaganda technique is being used?



The propaganda technique being used when an advertiser hires a celebrity to endorse a product is called "Testimonial."

When an advertiser hires a celebrity to endorse a product and help sell it, the propaganda technique being used is called Testimonial.

To understand why it is Testimonial, let's break down the different propaganda techniques you mentioned:

1. Stereotyping: Stereotyping is a technique that involves generalizing and making assumptions about a group of people based on their characteristics. It does not directly apply to the scenario of hiring a celebrity endorser.

2. Bandwagon: The bandwagon technique seeks to persuade individuals to adopt a belief or take action by suggesting that everyone else is doing it. While celebrity endorsements can sometimes create a sense of popularity and conformity, the primary technique at play here is the testimonial, not bandwagon.

3. Strawman: The strawman technique involves distorting or misrepresenting an opponent's argument to make it easier to discredit. It does not relate to hiring a celebrity endorser either.

4. Testimonial: The testimonial technique relies on using the endorsement or approval of a well-known person, such as a celebrity, to promote a product or idea. By associating the product with a respected or admired figure, the advertiser aims to persuade consumers to buy it. In this case, the advertiser is using the celebrity to endorse and sell their product, which aligns with the testimonial propaganda technique.

To summarize, when an advertiser hires a celebrity to help sell a product by endorsing it, the propaganda technique being used is testimonial.