Select the sentence that contains no semicolon errors. (Note that some of the sentences may not require a semicolon.)

Group of answer choices

The Norse theory of the universe included Asgard, the realm of the gods; Midgard, the realm of humans; Hel, the underworld; and Valhalla, where slain warriors go to live with the immortal gods.

The Norse theory of the universe included Asgard, the realm of the gods, Midgard, the realm of humans, Hel, the underworld, and Valhalla, where slain warriors go to live with the immortal gods.

The Norse theory of the universe included Asgard, the realm of the gods, Midgard, the realm of humans, Hel, the underworld; and Valhalla, where slain warriors go to live with the immortal gods.

The Norse theory of the universe included Asgard, the realm of the gods, Midgard, the realm of humans, Hel, the underworld, and Valhalla, where slain warriors go to live with the immortal gods.

The sentence that contains no semicolon errors is:

The Norse theory of the universe included Asgard, the realm of the gods; Midgard, the realm of humans; Hel, the underworld; and Valhalla, where slain warriors go to live with the immortal gods.

To determine which sentence contains no semicolon errors, you need to identify if any semicolons are used incorrectly. A semicolon should be used to separate two closely related independent clauses or to separate items in a list if the items contain commas.

Let's analyze each sentence:

1. The Norse theory of the universe included Asgard, the realm of the gods; Midgard, the realm of humans; Hel, the underworld; and Valhalla, where slain warriors go to live with the immortal gods.

In this sentence, semicolons are correctly used to separate the items in the list: Asgard, Midgard, Hel, and Valhalla. The sentence does not contain any semicolon errors.

2. The Norse theory of the universe included Asgard, the realm of the gods, Midgard, the realm of humans, Hel, the underworld, and Valhalla, where slain warriors go to live with the immortal gods.

In this sentence, commas are used correctly to separate the items in the list: Asgard, Midgard, Hel, and Valhalla. The sentence does not require semicolons, so it does not contain any semicolon errors.

3. The Norse theory of the universe included Asgard, the realm of the gods, Midgard, the realm of humans, Hel, the underworld; and Valhalla, where slain warriors go to live with the immortal gods.

In this sentence, a semicolon is incorrectly used after "the underworld." Since the sentence already uses commas to separate the items in the list, the semicolon is not required. Therefore, this sentence contains a semicolon error.

Therefore, the sentence that contains no semicolon errors is: "The Norse theory of the universe included Asgard, the realm of the gods, Midgard, the realm of humans, Hel, the underworld, and Valhalla, where slain warriors go to live with the immortal gods."