Why is editing for errors important for achieving your purpose in writing?

Select all that apply.

A.)Fixing errors shows you how to phrase your thesis statement.
B.)Error-free work lets you add more details to your writing.
C.)Fixing errors ensures that you convey your ideas accurately.
D.)Error-free work is more believable for the audience.

Is it C and D?

I agree.

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Yes, you are correct! The correct answers are C and D.

C) Fixing errors ensures that you convey your ideas accurately: Editing allows you to identify and correct grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors in your writing. By doing so, you ensure that your ideas are expressed clearly and accurately. When your writing is free from errors, your readers can easily understand your message.

D) Error-free work is more believable for the audience: Editing your work and eliminating errors increases the credibility of your writing. When your writing is error-free, it shows that you have taken the time and effort to revise and polish your work. This makes your writing more trustworthy and persuasive to your audience.

A) Fixing errors shows you how to phrase your thesis statement: While editing can help you refine and improve your thesis statement, it is not specifically related to error correction. It focuses more on the organization, clarity, and effectiveness of your thesis statement.

B) Error-free work lets you add more details to your writing: While editing can certainly help you make your writing more detailed by adding or expanding on ideas, this option does not directly relate to the importance of editing for error correction. It is more related to the content and development of your writing.

So, the correct answers are C and D to why editing for errors is important for achieving your purpose in writing.