1 pts

Select the sentence that contains no semicolon errors. (Note that some of the sentences may not require a semicolon.)
Group of answer choices

Mythology usually deals with divinities; in contrast, folktales generally focus on ordinary people, even if they have supernatural elements.

Mythology usually deals with divinities, in contrast folktales generally focus on ordinary people, even if they have supernatural elements.

Mythology usually deals with divinities, in contrast; folktales generally focus on ordinary people, even if they have supernatural elements.

Mythology usually deals with divinities; in contrast, folktales generally focus on ordinary people, even if they have supernatural elements.

Mythology usually deals with divinities; in contrast, folktales generally focus on ordinary people, even if they have supernatural elements.

The sentence that contains no semicolon errors is: "Mythology usually deals with divinities; in contrast, folktales generally focus on ordinary people, even if they have supernatural elements."

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the usage of semicolons. Semicolons are typically used to separate two independent clauses that are closely related and could stand alone as separate sentences.

In the first answer choice, there is no semicolon between "contrast" and "folktales," which creates a run-on sentence.

In the second answer choice, there is a comma incorrectly placed before "folktales" instead of a semicolon.

The third answer choice correctly uses a semicolon after "contrast" to separate the two independent clauses. The semicolon separates the two closely related ideas and helps to clarify the sentence structure.