Select the sentence that contains no semicolon errors. (Note that some of the sentences may not require a semicolon.)

Group of answer choices

Both Greeks and Romans called the god of the sun Apollo, but they had different names for the goddess of the hunt, Artemis; and Diana; respectively.

Both Greeks and Romans called the god of the sun Apollo, but they had different names for the goddess of the hunt: Artemis and Diana, respectively.

Both Greeks and Romans called the god of the sun Apollo; but they had different names for the goddess of the hunt; Artemis and Diana, respectively.

Both Greeks and Romans called the god of the sun Apollo, but they had different names for the goddess of the hunt: Artemis and Diana, respectively.

The sentence that contains no semicolon errors is:

Both Greeks and Romans called the god of the sun Apollo, but they had different names for the goddess of the hunt: Artemis and Diana, respectively.

To select the sentence that contains no semicolon errors, we need to understand the proper usage of a semicolon. A semicolon is generally used to separate two independent clauses that are closely related in thought.

Let's analyze the given sentences:

1. Both Greeks and Romans called the god of the sun Apollo, but they had different names for the goddess of the hunt, Artemis; and Diana; respectively.
- In this sentence, semicolons are used incorrectly. The usage of semicolons after "Artemis" and "Diana" does not separate two independent clauses.

2. Both Greeks and Romans called the god of the sun Apollo, but they had different names for the goddess of the hunt: Artemis and Diana, respectively.
- In this sentence, a colon is used instead of a semicolon. The colon indicates that a list of items follows, which is correct in this context.

3. Both Greeks and Romans called the god of the sun Apollo; but they had different names for the goddess of the hunt; Artemis and Diana, respectively.
- In this sentence, semicolons are used incorrectly. Instead of separating two independent clauses, the semicolons here separate fragments of a sentence.

Based on the explanations, the sentence that contains no semicolon errors is sentence number 2: "Both Greeks and Romans called the god of the sun Apollo, but they had different names for the goddess of the hunt: Artemis and Diana, respectively."