Select the sentence that contains no semicolon errors. (Note that some of the sentences may not require a semicolon.)

Group of answer choices

The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that Zeus, or Jupiter, was in charge of the sky, Poseidon, or Neptune, was god of the sea, and Hades, or Pluto, was god of the underworld.

The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that Zeus, or Jupiter; was in charge of the sky; Poseidon, or Neptune; was god of the sea, and Hades, or Pluto; was god of the underworld.

The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that Zeus, or Jupiter, was in charge of the sky; Poseidon, or Neptune, was god of the sea; and Hades, or Pluto, was god of the underworld.

The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that Zeus, or Jupiter, was in charge of the sky, Poseidon, or Neptune, was god of the sea, and Hades, or Pluto, was god of the underworld.

The sentence that contains no semicolon errors is:

The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that Zeus, or Jupiter, was in charge of the sky; Poseidon, or Neptune, was god of the sea; and Hades, or Pluto, was god of the underworld.

To determine the sentence that contains no semicolon errors, we need to understand when to use a semicolon correctly.

A semicolon is used to connect two independent clauses (complete sentences) that are related or to separate items in a list when those items contain commas.

Looking at the given choices, we can see that the first option does not contain any semicolon errors:

"The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that Zeus, or Jupiter, was in charge of the sky, Poseidon, or Neptune, was god of the sea, and Hades, or Pluto, was god of the underworld."

Therefore, the correct sentence that contains no semicolon errors is:
"The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that Zeus, or Jupiter, was in charge of the sky, Poseidon, or Neptune, was god of the sea, and Hades, or Pluto, was god of the underworld."