What information is found in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?

(1 point)

A. how to handle food safely

B. how to plan a low-sodium diet

C. how to calculate the number of calories in foods

D. how to find the daily recommended servings of grains

The correct answer is D. how to find the daily recommended servings of grains. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans offers recommendations and guidance on healthy eating patterns and food choices to promote good health and prevent chronic diseases. It provides information on the recommended daily intake of various food groups, including grains.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans provide evidence-based recommendations for how to eat a healthy and balanced diet. The information found in the guidelines includes:

D. How to find the daily recommended servings of grains: The guidelines provide information on the recommended daily intake of various food groups, including grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, and protein.

B. How to plan a low-sodium diet: The guidelines address the importance of limiting sodium intake and provide recommendations on how to reduce salt consumption in the diet.

C. How to calculate the number of calories in foods: The guidelines emphasize the importance of balancing calorie intake with energy expenditure and provide information on how to calculate and monitor calories from different foods.

A. How to handle food safely: Although not the primary focus, the guidelines may also include general information on safe food handling practices to prevent foodborne illnesses.

Therefore, all of the options (A, B, C, and D) can be found in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.