What information is found in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?

(1 point)

how to handle food safely

how to plan a low-sodium diet

how to calculate the number of calories in foods

how to find the daily recommended servings of grains

The information found in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans includes how to handle food safely, how to plan a low-sodium diet, how to calculate the number of calories in foods, and how to find the daily recommended servings of grains.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans provide information on various aspects of nutrition and healthy eating. Some of the information found in the guidelines includes:

1. How to handle food safely: The guidelines offer recommendations on proper food storage, preparation, and handling techniques to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses.

2. How to plan a low-sodium diet: The guidelines provide guidance on reducing sodium intake and offer suggestions for selecting low-sodium food options.

3. How to calculate the number of calories in foods: While the guidelines do emphasize the importance of calorie balance for maintaining a healthy weight, they do not specifically provide information on how to calculate the number of calories in foods. However, they do encourage individuals to be mindful of their calorie intake and consider portion sizes.

4. How to find the daily recommended servings of grains: The guidelines include recommendations for daily food group servings, including grains. They provide information on the recommended intake of grains depending on age, sex, and physical activity level, helping individuals understand how many servings of grains they should aim for each day.