Discuss and evaluations of the best practices through engaging in a literature review in order to report on, the influence of technology as an external determinant on the education systems of south africa, Botswana and Nigeria


Technology is constantly evolving and has become an integral part of modern society. As a result, it has had a significant impact on various industries, including education. The use of technology as an external determinant can change the way education systems function, improve learning outcomes, and enhance teaching methods. This literature review discusses the influence of technology on the education systems of South Africa, Botswana, and Nigeria.

South Africa:

South Africa has made significant progress in integrating technology into its education system. The government has prioritized bringing technology to all schools in the country to enhance teaching and learning outcomes. The use of technology has allowed teachers to deliver content in more engaging and interactive ways, making learning more interesting and meaningful for students.

One of the most widely used technologies in South African schools is mobile phones. Cell phones are used in classrooms to supplement learning by providing students with access to additional resources and information. They are also used for online learning, where learners can access e-books, videos, and other learning materials.

Another standout technology in South African classrooms is the use of virtual and augmented reality. These technologies allow learners to experience complex concepts in a fully immersive teaching environment, making it easier for them to understand and remember. Virtual reality also enables students to experience places, situations, and events that they would not otherwise have access to, making learning more exciting and engaging.


Botswana has made significant progress in enhancing its education system through technology. The government has prioritized ensuring that all schools in the country have access to technology such as computers and the internet. The use of technology has allowed for more efficient and effective delivery of education services in the country.

One of the most notable technological advancements in Botswana's education system is the use of Learning Management Systems (LMS). These systems provide an online platform for teachers to deliver course content, submit assignments, and provide feedback to learners. They also provide learners with access to additional learning resources and a virtual library, allowing them to study and learn at their own pace.

Another significant technology in Botswana's education system is digital textbooks. The use of digital textbooks makes learning more accessible and less expensive for learners. They are also more environmentally friendly, as they reduce the amount of paper printed and used for traditional textbooks.


Nigeria is one of the largest and most populous countries in Africa, and its education system has been traditional and conservative. However, technology has disrupted the traditional way of teaching and learning, and many educational institutions in Nigeria have integrated technology into their curriculum.

One of the most notable technological advancements in Nigeria's education system is the use of e-learning platforms. These platforms have enabled learners to access learning materials and communicate with their teachers from anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection.

There has also been an increase in the use of interactive whiteboards, which have made teaching and learning more engaging and interactive. Interactive whiteboards enable teachers to incorporate multimedia, including videos and images, into their lessons, making learning more interesting and captivating for learners.


Technology has had a significant impact on the education systems of South Africa, Botswana, and Nigeria. The integration of technology has transformed traditional modes of teaching and learning, making education more accessible, engaging, and effective. These countries have made significant strides in adopting technology in their education systems, and as a result, they have made a positive impact on their learners. The trend towards technology in education is set to continue, and policymakers in these countries must continue to prioritize its integration to drive positive learning outcomes.

To discuss and evaluate best practices for conducting a literature review on the influence of technology on the education systems of South Africa, Botswana, and Nigeria, follow these step-by-step guidelines:

Step 1: Identify the research question
Define the research question or objective of your literature review. In this case, the question could be: What is the influence of technology as an external determinant on the education systems of South Africa, Botswana, and Nigeria?

Step 2: Search for relevant literature
Conduct a comprehensive search using various academic databases, libraries, and search engines. Select keywords such as "technology in education," "education systems," "South Africa," "Botswana," and "Nigeria" to find relevant articles, books, reports, and studies.

Step 3: Evaluate the credibility of sources
Assess the credibility and quality of the sources you've found. Consider factors such as the author's credentials, publication's relevance, peer-review process, and the date of publication to ensure you're using reliable and up-to-date information.

Step 4: Review and organize the literature
Read through the selected literature to understand the current state of research on the topic. Take notes on key findings, methodologies used, and any gaps, similarities, or differences among the studies. Organize the literature based on themes, theories, or any other relevant categories.

Step 5: Analyze the literature
Analyze the literature by comparing and contrasting the findings, methodologies, and approaches employed in the studies. Look for patterns, trends, and the strengths and weaknesses of each study.

Step 6: Report on the literature review
Write a comprehensive report summarizing the literature review. This report should include an introduction providing context and background information, a description of the methodology used in the literature review, the main findings and themes identified, and a critical analysis of the literature. Make sure to mention the influence of technology as an external determinant on the education systems of South Africa, Botswana, and Nigeria specifically.

Step 7: Provide recommendations and conclusions
Based on the literature review, provide recommendations for policymakers, educators, or relevant stakeholders on how to improve the integration of technology into the education systems of these countries. Summarize the main conclusions drawn from the literature review and identify any gaps that require further research.

Remember, these steps are meant to guide you in your literature review process. It is essential to adapt and modify them based on the specific requirements of your assignment or research.

To discuss and evaluate the best practices of conducting a literature review on the influence of technology as an external determinant on the education systems of South Africa, Botswana, and Nigeria, we can follow these steps:

1. Define the research question: Begin by clearly defining the research question that you want to explore. For example, "What impact does technology have on the education systems of South Africa, Botswana, and Nigeria as an external determinant?"

2. Search for relevant literature: Start by conducting a comprehensive literature search using academic databases, libraries, and online platforms like Google Scholar. Use keywords such as "technology in education," "education systems," and "South Africa, Botswana, Nigeria" to find relevant articles, reports, and research papers.

3. Evaluate the credibility of sources: While searching for literature, it is important to critically evaluate the credibility of the sources. Consider factors such as the author's qualifications, the source's reputation, the publication date, and whether it has undergone peer review.

4. Analyze the literature: Read and analyze the selected literature, noting key findings, theories, methodologies used, and any gaps or limitations in the research. Look for common themes, trends, or patterns across the selected studies.

5. Organize the literature review: Structure the literature review in a logical manner, by grouping sources according to themes, methodologies, or the education systems of the respective countries. Provide a brief summary of each source, highlighting key points, methodologies, and findings.

6. Critique the literature: Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the literature. Identify any inconsistencies, biases, or gaps in the research. Discuss how these factors may affect the validity and reliability of the findings.

7. Draw conclusions and make recommendations: Based on the analysis of the literature, present your conclusions regarding the influence of technology as an external determinant on the education systems of South Africa, Botswana, and Nigeria. Discuss the implications of these findings and make recommendations for policy development, education reforms, or further research.

8. Write the literature review: Finally, write the literature review, adhering to appropriate academic writing standards. Ensure that you accurately reference the sources cited and provide a comprehensive bibliography or reference list.

By following these steps, you can conduct a thorough literature review on the influence of technology on the education systems of South Africa, Botswana, and Nigeria. Remember to critically analyze the sources, organize your findings, and draw meaningful conclusions to provide insights into the topic.