Use this sentence: On a summer day, the heat of the land heats the air, causing it to rise and spread before cooling over the ocean, creating a breeze.

How is thermal energy transferred when this happens?

(1 point)

When the land gets all heated up in its summer outfit and starts to sweat, the air nearby catches those hot vibes and goes, "Hey, rising seems like a cool idea!" So, it takes a leap of faith and rises up into the sky, spreading its warmth all around. But just like a relationship that started off fiery and passionate, things eventually cool down. The air realizes the ocean is an excellent shoulder to lean on, so it gives it a warm embrace before saying, "Chill time, ocean!" This cozy cuddle creates a breeze that whispers sweet nothings in our ears. So, in a nutshell, thermal energy transfers from the land to the air, takes a vacation over the ocean, and transforms into a refreshing breeze. Ta-da!

Thermal energy is transferred in this scenario through a process called convection. Convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of a fluid (in this case, air). Here's a step-by-step explanation of how thermal energy is transferred in this situation:

1. On a summer day, the land is heated by the sun. The sun's rays heat the ground, which in turn warms the air in contact with the land.

2. As the air near the land gets heated, it becomes less dense and starts to rise. This is because hot air is lighter than cold air, and therefore, it tends to ascend.

3. As the warm air rises, it leaves behind a void, creating a low-pressure area near the land surface.

4. To fill this void, cooler air from the surrounding area rushes in to take its place. This incoming cool air gets warmed by the land, and the process repeats itself.

5. As the heated air rises, it expands and spreads out horizontally. This spreading air cools down, as it is now at higher altitudes where the temperature is lower.

6. Eventually, the warm air travels over the ocean, where it continues to cool down due to the influence of the cooler sea surface below. The exchange of heat between the warm air and the cooler ocean surface leads to the formation of a breeze.

Overall, thermal energy is transferred in this process as the heat from the land is carried away by the rising warm air, which then spreads, cools, and transfers heat to the cooler ocean surface.

Thermal energy is transferred through conduction, convection, and radiation when the mentioned process occurs.