A store sells packages of comic books with a poster and 7 comics cost 14.50. A poster and 14 comics cost 12.50. write a linear function rule that models the cost y of a package containing any number x of comic books

Suppose another store sells a similar package. modeled by a linear function rule with inial value $8.75. Use pencil and paper. Explain which store has better deal

The linear function rule is y =

0.5x + 6.5

To determine which store has the better deal, we can compare the cost of each store for the same number of comic books.

For example, if we want to compare the cost of a package with 7 comic books, we can plug x = 7 into the linear function rule for each store:

For the first store with the function y = 0.5x + 6.5:
y = 0.5(7) + 6.5
y = 3.5 + 6.5
y = 10

For the second store with the function y = 0.5x + 8.75:
y = 0.5(7) + 8.75
y = 3.5 + 8.75
y = 12.25

Therefore, for a package with 7 comic books, the first store is the better deal as it costs $10 compared to $12.25 from the second store.