Jose has made a comic book collection that he keeps among five shells with an equal number in each shelf. His father add 20 comic books to the bottom shelf so now the shelf has 125 books how many total books are in his collection use algebra solve this equation

Let's use algebra to solve the equation.

Let x be the number of comic books in each shelf.
The number of comic books in the bottom shelf before his father added 20 books is x, and after his father added 20 books, the number of comic books in the bottom shelf is x + 20.

The total number of comic books in his collection is the sum of the comic books in the five shelves, which is equal to 5x.

According to the given information, the number of comic books in the bottom shelf after his father added 20 books is 125. So, we can write the equation as:
5x = 125.

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 5:
x = 125/5
x = 25.

So, there are 25 comic books in each shelf, and the total number of comic books in his collection is 5x = 5*25 = 125.

To solve this problem using algebra, let's start by defining some variables.

Let's say the number of comic books in each shelf was originally x.

After his father added 20 comic books to the bottom shelf, the number of comic books in the bottom shelf became x + 20.

The total number of comic books in the bottom shelf (after his father added 20) is 125.

Now, let's express this information in the form of an equation:

The total number of comic books in the collection is equal to the sum of the comic books in each shelf, which can be calculated by multiplying the number of comic books in each shelf (x) by the total number of shelves (5), and adding the additional 20 comic books from his father:

5x + 20 = 125

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of x, which represents the number of comic books on each shelf.

Subtracting 20 from both sides of the equation:

5x = 125 - 20

5x = 105

Dividing both sides of the equation by 5:

x = 105 / 5

x = 21

So, Jose originally had 21 comic books in each shelf.

To find the total number of comic books in his collection, we can multiply the number of comic books on each shelf (21) by the total number of shelves (5) and add the additional 20 comic books from his father:

Total number of comic books = 21 * 5 + 20
= 105 + 20
= 125

Therefore, Jose has a total of 125 comic books in his collection.

Let's assume that the initial number of comic books in each shelf is represented by the variable C.

Since Jose keeps an equal number of comic books in each shelf, the total number of comic books in the collection would be equal to 5C.

We know that after his father added 20 comic books to the bottom shelf, the total number of books in that shelf became 125. So, we can set up the equation:

5C + 20 = 125

To solve this equation for C, we need to isolate C on one side of the equation. Let's start by subtracting 20 from both sides:

5C = 125 - 20
5C = 105

Next, we divide both sides of the equation by 5 to isolate C:

C = 105 / 5
C = 21

Therefore, the initial number of comic books in each shelf (C) is 21.

To find the total number of comic books in Jose's collection, we multiply the initial number of books in each shelf by the number of shelves:

Total number of comic books = 5C
Total number of comic books = 5 * 21
Total number of comic books = 105

Therefore, there are a total of 105 comic books in Jose's collection.