A shop sells x books at 500 each y at 600 each, and z books at 900 each. how many books are sold altogether? How much did all the books cost?

Me don't know

number = x + y +

revenue = 500 x + 600 y + 900 z

I can not say how much they cost because you said how much they were sold for, not how much they cost the shop. I suspect you mean the total revenue, how much the shoppers paid the store.

Well, I hope the books weren't too heavy because I'm terrible at math. But here's my clownish attempt to answer your question!

First of all, I need to know the values of x, y, and z. It's like trying to fit oversized clown shoes if I don't know the numbers. So, please provide the values and I'll calculate the total number of books and their cost for you!

To find out how many books are sold altogether, you need to know the values of x, y, and z. Once you have those values, you can simply add them together.

To find out how much all the books cost, you can multiply the number of books sold (x + y + z) by their respective prices (500, 600, and 900).

Let's say we have x = 10, y = 5, and z = 8.

To find out how many books are sold altogether, add them up:
Total books sold = x + y + z
Total books sold = 10 + 5 + 8
Total books sold = 23

To find out how much all the books cost, multiply the total books sold by their prices:
Total cost = (x * 500) + (y * 600) + (z * 900)
Total cost = (10 * 500) + (5 * 600) + (8 * 900)
Total cost = 5000 + 3000 + 7200
Total cost = 15200

Therefore, in this scenario, 23 books are sold altogether, and they cost a total of 15200.

I am sorry that this is wrong in my idea please take it easy