Buck's first day on the Dyea beach was like a nightmare....He had been suddenly jerked from the heart of civilization and flung into the heart of things primordial. No lazy, sun-kissed life was this, with nothing to do but loaf and be bored. Here was neither peace, nor rest, nor a moment's safety. All was confusion and action, and every moment life and limb were in peril. There was imperative need to be constantly alert; for these dogs and men were.. savages.

1) Select the statement below that best cites an INFERENCE from the above excerpt.
A) Buck enjoyed living in civilization before his boat crashed on Dyea beach.
B) Buck was jerked from the heart of civilization and flung into the heart of primordial savages of dogs and men.
C) Buck had a lazy, sun-kissed life where he loafed around, bored all day before his first day on Dyea beach.
D) Buck was flung into confusion and action, and at every moment, life and limb were in peril.

D) Buck was flung into confusion and action, and at every moment, life and limb were in peril.

2) Select the statement below that best cites strong TEXTUAL EVIDENCE from the above excerpt.

A) Buck's first day on the beach was actually just a nightmare.
B) On his first day on the beach, Buck had nothing to do but loaf and be bored.
C) The savage men warned Buck of the need to be constantly alert.
D) Buck likened his first day on the beach to a nightmare.

C) The savage men warned Buck of the need to be constantly alert.