In the Call of the Wild, why was Hal beating Buck?

a. because Buck attacked Mercedes
b. because Buck refused to mush
c. because Buck stole some food
I believe the answer is b, I'm just not sure if I'm or not.

These answers are from Connections academy Lesson 7: Chapter 6: For the Love of a Man Unit 3: The Call of the Wild

1. Which of the following describes direct characterization? The author suggests information about a character through.
A. The character's words and actions.
B. Other character's actions and remarks toward him or her.
C. 𝚂̲𝚝̲𝚊̲𝚝̲𝚎̲𝚖̲𝚎̲𝚗̲𝚝̲𝚜̲ ̲𝚊̲𝚋̲𝚘̲𝚞̲𝚝̲ ̲𝚝̲𝚑̲𝚎̲ ̲𝚌̲𝚑̲𝚊̲𝚛̲𝚊̲𝚌̲𝚝̲𝚎̲𝚛̲'̲𝚜̲ ̲𝚊̲𝚙̲𝚙̲𝚎̲𝚊̲𝚛̲𝚊̲𝚗̲𝚌̲𝚎̲,̲ 𝚙̲𝚎̲𝚛̲𝚜̲𝚘̲𝚗̲𝚊̲𝚕̲𝚒̲𝚝̲𝚢̲,̲ ̲𝚊̲𝚗̲𝚍̲ ̲𝚊̲𝚌̲𝚝̲𝚒̲𝚘̲𝚗̲𝚜̲.̲ 1+
Letter C is the correct option for this question

2. In The Call of the Wild, why was Hal beating Buck?
A. Because Buck attacked Mercedes
B. 𝙱̲𝚎̲𝚌̲𝚊̲𝚞̲𝚜̲𝚎̲ ̲𝙱̲𝚞̲𝚌̲𝚔̲ ̲𝚛̲𝚎̲𝚏̲𝚞̲𝚜̲𝚎̲𝚍̲ ̲𝚝̲𝚘̲ ̲𝚖̲𝚞̲𝚜̲𝚑̲ 1+
C. Because Buck stole some food
The correct answer for this question is letter B

3. Fill in the blank with the appropriate vocabulary word from call of the wild, "after john Thorton's injury, he was left at a cabin to complete his ______.
A. Romp
B. 𝙲̲𝚘̲𝚗̲𝚟̲𝚊̲𝚕̲𝚎̲𝚜̲𝚌̲𝚎̲𝚗̲𝚌̲𝚎̲ +1
C. exploit
The correct answer for this question is letter B

its CBB

im swearing on girl in red here

those answers are correct

for english 1 unit 5 lesson 7


1. C

2. B
3. B

is correct for 9th grade connexus (unit 3 lesson 7) The Call of the Wild chapter 6 for the love of a man

c b b

I agree the answers are right

those are correct answers

For people who have trust issues with just the letter (me), here are the written answers.

1. Which of the following describes direct characterization? The author suggests information about a character through --

Answer: statements about the character's appearance, personality, and actions.

2. In The Call Of The Wild, why was Hal beating Buck?

Answer: because Buck refused to mush

3. Fill in the blank with the appropriate vocabulary word from The Call Of The Wild. "After John Thornton's injury, he was left at a cabin to complete his ____

Answer: convalescence

Can anyone confirm those?