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In The Call of the Wild, why was Hal beating Buck?
(1 point)

because Buck attacked Mercedes
because Buck attacked Mercedes

because Buck refused to mush
because Buck refused to mush

because Buck stole some food
because Buck stole some food

because Buck refused to mush

Fill in the blank with the appropriate vocabulary word from The Call of the Wild. “After John Thornton’s injury, he was left at a cabin to complete his ___________.”

(1 point)





To answer the question, "Why was Hal beating Buck in The Call of the Wild?", we need to understand the context of the story. The Call of the Wild is a novel written by Jack London, and it tells the story of a dog named Buck who goes through various adventures in the Klondike during the Gold Rush.

To find the answer, we can analyze the given options:

1. "Because Buck attacked Mercedes": This option suggests that Buck attacked a character named Mercedes, which may have led to Hal beating Buck. However, this is not correct because there is no mention of Buck attacking Mercedes in the story.

2. "Because Buck refused to mush": This option suggests that Buck refused to work and pull the sled, known as "mushing." This could be a possible reason for Hal's anger, as Buck's refusal to mush would hinder their journey. However, there is no specific mention of this incident causing Hal to beat Buck in the story.

3. "Because Buck stole some food": This option suggests that Buck stole food, which might have prompted Hal to beat Buck. This is the most accurate option among the given choices. In the story, Buck is portrayed as a strong and resourceful dog who is driven by his instincts to survive. It is possible that Buck stole food to satisfy his hunger, leading Hal to punish him.

Therefore, the correct answer is: "Because Buck stole some food."

To delve deeper into the story and fully understand the motivations behind Hal's actions, it is recommended to read or review The Call of the Wild by Jack London.