What does the phrase “The dominant primordial beast was strong in Buck” mean?

(1 point)

Buck was eager to fight his rival.

Buck followed his deepest instincts.

Buck gained physical strength.

The phrase "The dominant primordial beast was strong in Buck" means that Buck's primal and instinctual nature was very powerful and influential in him.

The phrase “The dominant primordial beast was strong in Buck” means that Buck followed his deepest instincts. (1 point)

The correct response is: "Buck followed his deepest instincts."

To understand the meaning of the phrase "The dominant primordial beast was strong in Buck," it is important to analyze the individual words and their context.

1. "Dominant" implies that something is in a position of power or control.
2. "Primordial" suggests that this "dominant" entity is ancient or fundamental, going back to the earliest times.
3. "Beast" refers to an animal, often used to represent primal or instinctual behaviors.
4. "Strong" indicates that this "beast" within Buck is powerful or influential.

Putting all these words together, the phrase means that Buck is strongly influenced by his primal instincts or animal nature. This implies that his basic survival instincts, which are deeply rooted within him, guide his actions. He responds to the environment and situations based on his natural and instinctive responses rather than relying on rational thinking or acquired behaviors.

Therefore, the correct interpretation is that "Buck followed his deepest instincts" rather than being eager to fight his rival or simply gaining physical strength.