Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics.

When London speaks of Buck metamorphosing, he means that Buck(1 point)

returned to his homeland.

dominated the sled dog team.

changed into a different kind of dog.

lost his appetite.

changed into a different kind of dog.

The best answer that matches the word "metamorphosing" is:

changed into a different kind of dog.

To determine the answer that best matches the word in italics, you need to understand the meaning of the word "metamorphosing" in the context of the sentence.

In this case, "metamorphosing" means undergoing a change or transformation. So, the best answer that matches this meaning is "changed into a different kind of dog."

To find this answer, you would need to read the sentence or passage that states that Buck has gone through a transformation or change into a different type of dog.