What makes a piece of literature, a tv show or film thrilling? Why do we or others seek this out?

There are several factors that can make a piece of literature, a TV show, or a film thrilling. Here are some reasons why people seek out thrilling experiences in these mediums:

1. Suspense and tension: Thrilling narratives often build suspense, leaving the audience on the edge of their seats. Whether it's a plot twist, a high-stakes situation, or a looming danger, the unpredictability and tension keep viewers engaged and interested.

2. Emotional engagement: Thrilling stories often evoke intense emotions such as fear, excitement, anticipation, or even horror. These emotions can create a thrilling experience as audiences become invested in the characters and their journey.

3. Escapism and adrenaline rush: Many people seek thrilling content as a form of escapism, allowing them to temporarily escape their daily lives and experience an adrenaline rush. The thrilling moments in literature, TV, or film can stimulate the senses and provide an exciting distraction from reality.

4. Exploration of the unknown: Thrilling narratives often explore the unknown, whether it's uncharted territories, supernatural phenomena, or psychological depths. This exploration of unfamiliar and mysterious aspects of life can be fascinating and intriguing to audiences.

5. Exploration of human nature: Thrilling stories often examine the darker aspects of human nature, such as fear, survival instincts, moral dilemmas, or the capacity for evil. By delving into these aspects, thrilling narratives can provoke deep thoughts and discussions about the human condition.

6. Catharsis and adrenaline release: Thrilling experiences can provide a sense of catharsis, allowing viewers to experience intense emotions that they might not encounter in their everyday lives. This release of adrenaline and emotional tension can be exhilarating and satisfying to some individuals.

7. Challenge and engagement: Thrilling stories often involve mysteries, puzzles, or complex narratives that challenge the audience's mental capacity. Engaging with such content can be intellectually stimulating and rewarding, as viewers try to unravel the mysteries or anticipate what will happen next.

Overall, the thrill-seeking aspect of literature, TV shows, or films can provide entertainment, emotional stimulation, escapism, and an exploration of the unknown, making them appealing to many individuals.