Why should readers evaluate each piece of evidence when reading a literary text? Select the two correct answers.

to show they have researched the historical background of the text

to support their ideas about what makes a text memorable

to defend their opinion about the importance of reading literature

to verify the accuracy of their understanding of the text

to determine whether the text’s narrator is reliable

To support their ideas about what makes a text memorable and to verify the accuracy of their understanding of the text

When reading a literary text, it is important for readers to evaluate each piece of evidence to ensure a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the text. This process allows readers to critically engage with the material and develop well-informed interpretations.

Now, let's select the two correct answers from the options provided:

1. To verify the accuracy of their understanding of the text: Evaluating evidence helps readers confirm that their interpretation aligns with the information presented in the text. By assessing the evidence, readers can identify any potential discrepancies or gaps in their understanding.

2. To determine whether the text's narrator is reliable: Another important aspect of evaluating evidence is assessing the credibility of the narrator. This involves analyzing the consistency, reliability, and bias of the narrator's perspective. By considering the evidence presented by the narrator, readers can make informed judgments about the reliability of their account.

While the other options provided may have some relevance and importance in certain contexts, they do not directly address the specific purpose of evaluating evidence when reading a literary text.

The two correct answers are:

1. To verify the accuracy of their understanding of the text
2. To determine whether the text’s narrator is reliable