Reading Literary Text Unit Test

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Which sentence could be included in a summary of a literary text about a teen who is running for student body president?(1 point)

Marta missed the school dance to focus on her campaign for student body president.

Marta is an ambitious, daring, and unapologetic character.

Marta's campaign posters were mostly purple and black.

Marta demonstrated cool confidence as she practiced her stirring speech in front of the class.

Well, if I were to summarize the story about the teen running for student body president, I might say something like this: "Marta, an ambitious and determined teen, sacrifices attending the school dance to focus on her campaign. With bold campaign posters and cool confidence, she impressively delivers a stirring speech in front of her classmates." So, the sentence that could be included in the summary would be: "Marta missed the school dance to focus on her campaign for student body president."

To determine which sentence could be included in a summary of a literary text about a teen running for student body president, we need to understand the purpose of a summary and the main focus of the text.

A summary is a brief overview of the main points or events in a text. It aims to provide a condensed version of the story while conveying the essential elements.

In this case, the literary text is about a teen running for student body president. Therefore, the sentence that could be included in the summary should relate to the plot or theme of the story.

Now let's analyze each of the provided sentences:

1. "Marta missed the school dance to focus on her campaign for student body president."
This sentence indicates how Marta prioritized her campaign over other activities. It shows her dedication and commitment to the election, making it relevant to the summary.

2. "Marta is an ambitious, daring, and unapologetic character."
This sentence describes Marta's character traits but does not directly connect to the plot or theme of running for student body president. Therefore, it is less likely to be included in the summary.

3. "Marta's campaign posters were mostly purple and black."
This sentence provides details about Marta's campaign posters but does not contribute significantly to the main storyline. It is not as essential as the sentence in option 1.

4. "Marta demonstrated cool confidence as she practiced her stirring speech in front of the class."
This sentence highlights Marta's confidence during her speech practice. While it showcases her public speaking skills, it does not directly relate to her campaign for student body president.

Therefore, option 1, "Marta missed the school dance to focus on her campaign for student body president," is the sentence that could be included in a summary of the literary text about a teen running for student body president.

The sentence that could be included in a summary of a literary text about a teen who is running for student body president is: "Marta demonstrated cool confidence as she practiced her stirring speech in front of the class."