Which question is open-ended?(1 point)


What makes a piece of art interesting?
What makes a piece of art interesting?

Do you like to make art?
Do you like to make art?

Would you hang this piece of art on your wall?
Would you hang this piece of art on your wall?

Which artist created this piece of art?

What makes a piece of art interesting?

The open-ended question is "What makes a piece of art interesting?"

The open-ended question is "What makes a piece of art interesting?" (first response). An open-ended question is one that cannot be answered with a simple "yes" or "no" and allows for a broad range of possible answers or discussions. This question prompts the person to provide their own thoughts and opinions on what qualities or factors they find interesting in a piece of art. To answer this question, one would need to express their personal preferences, experiences, or opinions about the characteristics that make art interesting to them.