1. In literature, what is a theme?

A. the central idea that the author tries to convey
B. the author’s choice of details related to characters, settings, or plot
C. the underlying emotion in a piece of literature
D. a conclusion formed from evidence and reasoning
2. Which of the following best describes the mood of the excerpt?
A. disappointed and dismayed
B. light and optimistic
C. confining and restricted
D. gloomy and ominous
3. What is mood in literature?
A. the central idea an author is trying to convey in a piece of literature
B. the underlying emotion in a piece of literature
C. where and when a story takes place
D. the point of view from which a story is told
4. Which statement is always true about the literary genre of satire?
A. It includes allusions to political elements.
B. It employs an ironic or sarcastic tone.
C. It is intended to amuse the reader.
D. It makes the reader feel confused or uncertain.
5. What does the author's tone tell the reader about Norman Gortsby?
A. He is too proud to admit that he envies those around him.
B. He considers himself to be superior to those around him.
C. He is bitter toward others because he is so lonely.
D. He is unhappy with his life and has many regrets.

1. A. the central idea that the author tries to convey

2. A. disappointed and dismayed
3. B. the underlying emotion in a piece of literature
4. B. It employs an ironic or sarcastic tone.
5. C. He is bitter toward others because he is so lonely.

1. A. the central idea that the author tries to convey

2. D. gloomy and ominous
3. B. the underlying emotion in a piece of literature
4. B. It employs an ironic or sarcastic tone.
5. A. He is too proud to admit that he envies those around him.

1. In literature, a theme is the central idea that the author tries to convey. To identify the theme, you should analyze the overall message or main point of the text. Look for recurring ideas, motifs, or symbols, and consider how they contribute to the overall meaning of the work. Pay attention to characters' actions, dialogue, and conflicts, as well as the development of the plot and setting. By examining these elements, you can determine the theme.

2. To understand the mood of an excerpt or a piece of literature, you need to consider the emotions or atmosphere that the author creates. You can identify the mood by paying attention to the author's choice of words, descriptions, and imagery. Look for specific details that evoke certain emotions or convey a particular sensation. Consider the overall tone of the excerpt and the feelings it elicits in the reader. By analyzing these aspects, you can determine the mood.

3. In literature, the mood refers to the underlying emotion or atmosphere in a piece of writing. To identify the mood, you should pay attention to how the author's choice of words, imagery, and descriptions affect the reader. Consider the overall feeling conveyed by the text and how it influences your emotional response. Look for specific details that create a certain mood, such as dark and gloomy descriptions that evoke sadness or foreboding. By analyzing these elements, you can determine the mood of a piece of literature.

4. The literary genre of satire often employs an ironic or sarcastic tone. Satire is a form of social criticism that uses humor, irony, and exaggeration to expose and criticize human folly or societal issues. It is intended to amuse the reader by mocking and ridiculing certain aspects of society or individuals. While satire can include allusions to political elements, it is not always a requirement. The purpose of satire is to entertain and provoke thought. It often aims to highlight the flaws and absurdities of human behavior or societal norms.

5. The author's tone can give insight into the character of Norman Gortsby. Tone refers to the author's attitude or viewpoint towards the subject matter or characters in a text. By examining the way the author presents and describes Norman Gortsby, you can discern the author's opinion or perception of him. Consider the language used and the emotions conveyed by the author's tone. From this, you can infer characteristics about Norman Gortsby. It's important to pay attention to the context of the story and any direct statements made by the author to fully understand the tone and its implications.