Central Idea or Theme Quick Check

1 of 41 of 4 Items
Which of the following describes the theme of a story?(1 point)

the key details regarding characters and plot

the idea that connects the story's parts

a message about life that is explored and expressed

a statement that gives the most important facts of the story

For my quick check the order of answers was

1B. a short statement of the main events of a text
2A.a message or lesson in a story
3A.By connecting the main events of the story, a reader can conclude what lesson the author is implying about those events.
4B.People are not likely to trust someone who lies.

the answer is a message about life that is explored and expressed

I'm not a teacher I just Signed up.

Why do you have the icon then?

It shows the tutor icon on the side of your name

Well I guess you can call me a tutor.

@tgbelikelol, are you a tutor or something? Why would you be giving out the answers?