At a bookshop, 6 identical folders, 4 identicwl rulers and 5 identical pencils cost $24.55. Jay bought 3 such folders, 4 such rulers and 5 such pencils for $15.25. How much did Jay pay for one such folder? And its not 8.01

Let's assume the cost of one folder is x dollars.

Based on the given information, we can create the following equation:

6x + 4(0.8x) + 5(0.5x) = 24.55

Simplifying the equation, we have:

6x + 3.2x + 2.5x = 24.55

11.7x = 24.55

Dividing both sides of the equation by 11.7, we get:

x = 24.55 / 11.7

x ≈ 2.10

Therefore, Jay paid approximately $2.10 for one folder.