Jay wants to know how the amount of acidity in rainwater influences the weathering rate of limestone. To answer his question, Jay performs an experiment in which he soaks identical pieces of limestone in 200 mL of different carbonic acid solutions. The pH of the solutions range from 3.0 to 5.5. After performing his experiment once, he reports his data and draws a conclusion. What can Jay do to improve the reliability and accuracy of his data?(1 point)


He can use different types of rocks but follow the same experimental procedure.
He can use different types of rocks but follow the same experimental procedure.

He can repeat his experiment using a sodium hydroxide base instead of carbonic acid.
He can repeat his experiment using a sodium hydroxide base instead of carbonic acid.

He can increase the volume of the carbonic acid solutions.
He can increase the volume of the carbonic acid solutions.

He can repeat his experiment multiple times and ask someone else to replicate his experiment.

He can repeat his experiment multiple times and ask someone else to replicate his experiment.

Carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) are pure substances. Each is made of only one type of atom, but carbon atoms are different from hydrogen atoms. Carbon and hydrogen chemically combine to form methane (CH4).Based on this information:(1 point)


carbon, hydrogen, and methane are all compounds.
carbon, hydrogen, and methane are all compounds.

carbon, hydrogen, and methane are all elements.
carbon, hydrogen, and methane are all elements.

methane is an element and carbon and hydrogen are compounds.
methane is an element and carbon and hydrogen are compounds.

carbon and hydrogen are elements and methane is a compound

carbon and hydrogen are elements and methane is a compound.

Mrs. Clark decides to do a demonstration for her class with a piece of notebook paper. Using a balance, Mrs. Clark discovers that the mass of the paper is 20 g. She then takes the piece of paper and cuts it into several small pieces. The cumulative mass of the small pieces is 20 g. What has Mrs. Clark demonstrated for her class?(1 point)


a chemical change involving change of shape and size of matter
a chemical change involving change of shape and size of matter

a physical change involving change of mass
a physical change involving change of mass

a chemical change involving change of mass
a chemical change involving change of mass

a physical change involving change of shape and size of matter
a physical change involving change of shape and size of matter

a physical change involving change of shape and size of matter

The three classes of rocks are sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous. How are rocks classified into one of these three groups?

(1 point)

According to their position in the lithosphere
According to their position in the lithosphere

According to the amount of weathering they have endured
According to the amount of weathering they have endured

According to how many times they have been through the rock cycle
According to how many times they have been through the rock cycle

According to the method of their formation

According to the method of their formation.

The diagram below shows a sequence of rock layers. Examine the diagram, and answer the question that follows. Using radiometric dating, scientists have determined that Layer M is 110 million years old. Based on this information and the principle of superposition (younger layers lie above older layers):

(1 point)

Layers T, R, X, and G are all younger than 110 million years.
Layers T, R, X, and G are all younger than 110 million years.

Layer T is older than 110 million years, and Layers R, X, and G are younger than 110 million years.
Layer T is older than 110 million years, and Layers R, X, and G are younger than 110 million years.

Layers T, R, X, and G are all older than 110 million years.
Layers T, R, X, and G are all older than 110 million years.

Layer T is younger than 110 million years, and Layers R, X, and G are older than 110 million years.

Layer T is older than 110 million years, and Layers R, X, and G are younger than 110 million years.

Visible light that reaches the Earth from the Sun is known as white light. Which of the following statements about white light is true?(1 point)


White light is made up mostly of ultraviolet and infrared light.
White light is made up mostly of ultraviolet and infrared light.

White light is made up of only one color.
White light is made up of only one color.

White light is made up of a spectrum of many different colors.
White light is made up of a spectrum of many different colors.

White light falls within the microwave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.