Describe the specific attributes of a prism.(1 point)

A prism has parallel identical bases and identical lateral faces.A prism has parallel identical bases and identical lateral faces.A prism is a point where two or more line segments meet.A prism is a point where two or more line segments meet.A prism is the top or bottom face of a solid object.A prism is the top or bottom face of a solid object.A prism is a figure that has height, length, and width.

One specific attribute of a prism is that it has parallel identical bases. This means that both the top and bottom faces of the prism are the same shape and they are parallel to each other.

Another attribute is that a prism has identical lateral faces. These are the faces that connect the corresponding vertices of the bases. For example, a rectangular prism would have four identical rectangular lateral faces connecting the vertices of the top and bottom bases.

A prism is also a point where two or more line segments meet. This means that the edges of the prism, which are the line segments, intersect at each vertex.

Additionally, a prism is the top or bottom face of a solid object. This means that when we talk about a prism, we are referring to the shape of the bases, which can be any polygon, such as a triangle, rectangle, or hexagon.

Furthermore, a prism is a figure that has height, length, and width. This implies that a prism is a three-dimensional object with measurable dimensions in three directions: height (the vertical dimension), length (the dimension along one of the bases), and width (the dimension perpendicular to both the height and length).

so whats the answer

The specific attributes of a prism are:

- Parallel identical bases
- Identical lateral faces
- A point where two or more line segments meet
- The top or bottom face of a solid object
- A figure that has height, length, and width.

choose only 2 options

The two specific attributes of a prism are:

1) Parallel identical bases
2) Identical lateral faces