Mark runs a stall selling handmade cards and bookmarks.

Each handmade card cost $20.00.

Each bookmark costs $2.50.

Mark wants his total sales to reach a minimum of $90.00 through the sale of at least one handmade card and several bookmarks. What inequality represents the various quantities of bookmarks (x) Mark must sell?

The cost of selling handmade cards is $20.00 each, and the cost of selling bookmarks is $2.50 each.

Let x be the quantity of bookmarks Mark must sell.

To find the total sales, we need to sum the cost of the handmade cards and the cost of the bookmarks:

Total sales = (Cost of handmade cards) + (Cost of bookmarks)

Since Mark must sell at least one handmade card, the cost of the handmade cards is $20.00:

Cost of handmade cards = $20.00

The cost of the bookmarks is $2.50 each, and Mark must sell x bookmarks:

Cost of bookmarks = $2.50 * x = 2.50x

Therefore, the total sales can be represented as:

Total sales = $20.00 + 2.50x

Mark wants his total sale to reach a minimum of $90.00, so we can write the inequality:

Total sales ≥ $90.00

Replacing the total sales expression, we have:

$20.00 + 2.50x ≥ $90.00

This inequality represents the various quantities of bookmarks (x) Mark must sell.