,Mark wants his total sales to reach a minimum of $90.00 through the sale of at least one handmade card and several bookmarks. What inequality represents the various quantities of bookmarks (x) Mark must sell?

Let's assume the cost of a handmade card is $C, and the cost of a bookmark is $B.

Since Mark wants his total sales to reach a minimum of $90.00, the cost of the handmade card plus the cost of the bookmarks must be greater than or equal to $90.00.

The cost of selling one handmade card is C, and the cost of selling x bookmarks is xB. Thus, the inequality representing the various quantities of bookmarks Mark must sell is:

C + xB ≥ 90

This means that the sum of the cost of the handmade card and the cost of selling x bookmarks must be greater than or equal to $90.00.