Mark runs a stall selling handmade cards and bookmarks.

Each handmade card costs $20.00.
Each bookmark costs $2.50.
Mark wants his total sales to reach a minimum of $90.00 through the sale of at least one handmade card and several bookmarks. What inequality represents the various quantities of bookmarks (x) Mark must sell?

The total cost of the handmade cards is $20.00 times the number of handmade cards sold, which is 20x.

The total cost of the bookmarks is $2.50 times the number of bookmarks sold, which is 2.5x.
To reach a minimum of $90.00 in total sales, the inequality representing the various quantities of bookmarks (x) Mark must sell is:
20x + 2.5x ≥ 90.

x≥70x is greater than or equal to 70

x≥36x is greater than or equal to 36

x≥16x is greater than or equal to 16


x represents the number of bookmarks Mark must sell, so instead of using x as a placeholder, we need to replace it with a variable such as b.

The correct inequality representing the various quantities of bookmarks (b) Mark must sell is:

b ≥ 70.

Sophie is eyeing a new bicycle that costs $1,200. She earns $160 per week from her part-time job. Currently, she has saved up $400. What inequality represents the minimum number of weeks (w) Sophie needs to work to afford the bicycle?(1 point)


Let w be the minimum number of weeks Sophie needs to work to afford the bicycle.

The amount Sophie earns in w weeks is 160w.
The amount she has already saved is $400.

To afford the bicycle, the total amount she earns and saves must be greater than or equal to $1,200.

So, the inequality representing the minimum number of weeks (w) Sophie needs to work to afford the bicycle is:

160w + 400 ≥ 1200.