Statement 1: a study suggests that children who earned an allowance, spent their money more carefully than those who did not

Statement 2: children should receive an allowance for chores done at home.

Statement 3: with an allowance children, learn about earning money, and the value of money

In 3 to 5 sentences, explain which statement is a claim, which is a reason and which is evidence, and in which order the statements should appear in the paragraph

Statement 3 is a claim as it presents an argument or a point of view. It states that children learn about earning money and the value of money with an allowance.

Statement 2 is a reason as it provides justification for statement 3. It suggests that in order for children to learn about earning money and the value of money, they should receive an allowance for doing chores at home.

Statement 1 is evidence as it supports the reason given in statement 2. It suggests that a study has shown that children who earned an allowance spent their money more carefully than those who did not.

To create a logical paragraph, these statements should appear in the following order: Statement 2 (reason), Statement 1 (evidence), and Statement 3 (claim). This order allows for the reason to be supported by evidence before the overall claim is made.